Something about us doesn't seem right these days

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Jack's: POV

I passed a coffee shop on my way back. I saw my husband talking to another man. He had a happy smile on his face. My heart broke when they kissed. Tears filled my eyes. I couldn't believe it.

I know our relationship hasn't been good, but I never thought he'd been cheating on me. I feel so betrayed. I ran to my car while tears were streaming down my face. I stepped inside and a wave of emotions washed over me.

I screamed and cried. I hit the steering wheel until my hands bleed. I really thought he loved me, but I guess I was wrong. I'm going back to New York with the kids. I don't want to stay in this town anymore. I started the car and drove back to the manor.


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Vanessa and Katherine noticed that I came back home alone. Edward wasn't with me. I never want to see him again. I'm better off without him.

"Dad, where's papa?" asked Vanessa. "I don't know." I said. "He should be home by now."
replied Katherine. "We're going back to New York." I said. "Why?" asked Vanessa. "I don't want to live here anymore." I said. "Does papa know?" she asked. "He's not coming with us." I said. "Why not?" she asked. "He has a new lover." I said coldly. They were shocked.

"Love isn't always easy." I said. "I'm very sorry, dad." replied Vanessa and Katherine. "It's okay." I said. "We love you." they replied. "I love you two too." I said and hugged my daughters. "We'll always be here for you." replied Katherine. "It means a lot." I said with a smile on my face.

Poor Jack, I feel for him so much😭 I wanna hug him.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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