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It has been about 3 days

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It has been about 3 days. Things have been moving along smoothly with my work with Hayes and Alyssa and Carlos have been doing pretty well. Alyssa's 24th birthday is in 3 weeks and shortly afterwards we expect Carlos to propose.

That has not stopped me from having such fucked up thoughts about Katerina. God, everything about her was perfect. It was frustrating to even look at her. On the few ocassions I was at the Hayes' house the last few days she was there. Looking stunning with her pure Italian genetics. My mind was out of control, I wanted her badly, in non familial ways.

The irrational Kingston in me wanted to find a way to ruin this fucking arrangement so I could persuade Hayes to give her to me. I would do anything to get her. But there is no way in hell that I would ruin Aly's shot at happiness.

It's not even like I would want to marry Katerina. She deserves better than me. She would want an innocent man without this much blood on his hands.

It's ridiculous that I've only known her for about a week and yet I can't stop thinking about her. She has a smart mouth and when you are the king, all you want is quiet housewife to give you an heir. Thats the way it works. Katerina is a challenge. And an expensive one at that. Her father would have to pay whoever she married to stop her from draining his bank account. I think I could handle her. I want to.

I have a full day of meeting fucking idiots.

I have to go to my club later. I also have to hire someone to plan Aly's birthday. It's exactly one month from now.

I'm at the Hayes' house now, him and I are meeting some russians to finalize the deal I gave Hayes months back. The 200k deal caused trouble and Katerina picked up the fault a few days ago and so we're meeting the son of the leader to discuss the deal.

She strolls in. About 5 shopping bags in her hands. Shes got a floppy hat on her head and she's wearing a white and yellow sundress. She looks beautiful, angelic.

Her brother, Jaxon, Dwayne and her cousins Matteo and Luca are here. They're sitting with me in the living room and watching her walk in with those bags.

"hi boys. Sorry if I'm interrupting." her voice is so soft. So pleasant. So innocent. The thoughts running through my mind are anything but proper.

"you're not interrupting Kat. What is all this?" her brother said, calmly at first then slightly yelling at her. We all smiled at her. I'd kill these fuckers if they look at her for too long. Jaxon and Dwayne were allowed to meet her. Her father didn't mind.

"I did some shopping. Aly's birthday is soon and some of this stuff is for her." she said defensively.

After 2 seconds about 3 guards walk in, all with shopping bags in their hands and up their arms. One guy even walked in with a carpet.

We all turned to her confused. She had a guilty look on her face.

"Katerina you're ridiculous." Matteo said and they all shook their heads at her.

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