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Margaret POV

Two weeks past and days just pass by easily. Two weeks till school end. And I never be excited to end the school year.

I spent the whole two weeks holding myself from hurting someone. I always come home crying at my room since every day I saw Matthew and Sasha making out every corner of our school. It's like they are doing it on purpose because they always do it when I am there.

God knows how I want to strangle their neck but I restraint myself. I can never let them see me being weak because I am not like that. I am born strong and badass.

But one thing keeps bugging on my mind and I held myself as I went to the pharmacy and decide to end my suspicion. I went in and bought a three pregnancy test.

My monthly visit should fall one week before but it's so late now. And I suspected that I am pregnant.

Please no! I don't want to be young Mom. I can't even feed myself much more to a baby.

After paying it and immediately went to the dorm. I quickly went to the washroom and read the instructions before doing the test since it's my first time doing this. I had no idea what to do.

I waited five minutes. Each seconds past feels like hour to me. I am scared , confused and anxious since I don't even know what to do.

Just then the first line appear then my eyes water as I saw the second line. Which mean it's positive. I was depressed and sat in the bathroom stunned not knowing what to do.

"What do I do?" I asked myself.

"How am I going to raise you?" I asked as I touch my belly.

"I should think first what to do. Yeah... Don't get nervous just relax. You can make it!" I said as I tried to cheer up myself.

Hour's later I decided to come out and called Chloe. I asked her if Matthew is in the boys dorm house. But I heard Cole said that ever since we broke up Matthew never want to be in dorm room. He said that he must be in his parents house.

I asked Cole the address and thankfully he gave it to me without asking many questions.

I hurriedly fix myself and decided to not decide on my own. I should inform him about the baby. Since sooner or later he will know anyway right?

After fixing myself I went inside my car and went to the address that Cole give me.

As I arrived on the a very big gate. I saw a guard approaching me.

"What do you want?" He asked me.

"I am here to talk to Matthew!"  I answered politely.

"Sir strictly told us not to bother him Mam!" He said.

"But I need to talk to him please it's urgent!" I said

"Please sir!"

"Ok wait a second here!" He said

Just then a black limousine pass me and it's stop just right in front of me. The door open and I saw Matthew mom looking at me with a raising brows. Obviously this woman doesn't like me neither do I too. The feeling is mutual I wanted to tell her but I just hold back since I am the one whose needing here.

"Why are you here?" She asked me

"I want to talk to Matthew!" I said to her.

"Look I want to be frank to you. I don't like to be with my son. You are not suited for him. You came from cheap family background. I know you are your my mom dirty secret. She became mistress to a wealthy businessman. He left here when he found out about you. So you see you're clearly not good for him. You know his dad is a mayor. What will people think if they know my son is into a daughter's who're?" She said and every word she said is like a stab on my heart.

I don't know about my father. Mom never even mentioned him to me. She said that I don't need to know about him since she's the only person I need. Which I used to as I grow up. But never did I imagine being a daughter of a mistake circumstances.

I hold on to the test and courageously show it to her. Her eyes stunned and she looked like being stumbled.

"What kind of joke is this?"

"I am pregnant and Matthew is the father!"

Then she laughed at me. Laughed like I said such extremely joke to her.

"Do you think I didn't know that you cheated on my son? Get rid of it or do whatever you want. It's not my son baby. You just like your mother, cheap and whore!" That's the last straw and I raised my hand on her.

I slap her hard on her face making her look at me with a fire blazing on her eyes.

"You, cheap whore, you are going to pay for this!" She said and I grab her hand as she attempt to slap me back.

"I came here to tell him about the baby. But if you think that I am some kind of whore then I let you be. But don't ever look down my mom ever again in front of me cause you won't like the things I will do to you. I just came by to let him know about the baby. But if it's what you think that way then be it. I just don't want him to say one day that I hide the baby from him!" I said as I let go of her hand.

"Hmmm.. he will never know about this. I won't let him. Since he is not the father anyway. Don't ever think of using that child to chained him to you!" She said

"I won't, you will never see me again!" I said as I turn my heels and went to my car and drive off away from this hell place.

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