chapter 34- forbidden journey

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we unclip the boys' leashes as we go through the line for the forbidden journey, and honestly? this is the one time i want the line to go as slowly as possible.

the line is so cool, guiding us through hogwarts. we pass by the whomping willow, the weasley's car, the herbology classroom, and then make it inside the castle.

it's just like in the movies. paintings move, the ceiling is painted with stars, and voices fill the entire place.

"i never want this line to end," aubrey says in awe. "i vote we go on this again just to experience this line a second time."

"i wouldn't be against that," tommy agrees as he looks around.

"save it for the actual ride, you two," tubbo scolds with an eye roll.

we make it to the front of the line, and holy crap, this looks like the coolest ride in the world.

it's almost like a simulation. it's in front a huge screen, and the rides moves with whatever video is playing on the screen so it feels like you're in the video... god this explanation makes no sense. but i'm so taken aback by how cool it is, i think i forgot how to have coherent thoughts.

"i'm so excited," aubrey whispers to me as she grabs my arm. my heart flutters a little bit before screeching to a halt and crashing down.


"hello!" tommy puts the camera in my face as he records. "i'm interviewing everyone about the ride. care to give your opinion?"

"woah," i say out of instinct. i don't know how i'm not used to that kid shoving his phone in my face yet. "um, yes. i'm very excited. the line was really cool. i think the ride will also be cool..."

that is the most painfully awkward thing i could've said, but it's hard to focus when i have aubrey clinging onto my arm.

i just pray tommy didn't get that in the shot.

"what about you, miss aub-ray?" tommy asks, purposely putting emphasis on mispronouncing her name. "you feeling good?"

"never felt better!" she exclaims. "i love harry potter, and the line itself was so cool, i can't imagine how the ride-"

"yeah yeah that's enough." tommy takes the camera away and earns a swat from both me and aubrey on his arms.

"you're damn lucky i had to leave the leashes in a locker before we got in line," aubrey says. "otherwise that thing would've been clipped onto you in a heartbeat."

we get on the ride, and i'd argue that the amazing line was the build up for the ride. it's the coolest ride in the world, and i feel like i'm actually on a broom at hogwarts. the visuals are stunning, the sound is perfect, and it feels like it's over just as soon as it began.

the four of us get off the ride and are all in a buzz.

"that was sick!" tommy yells. "so so cool! let's go again!" him and tubbo jump around happily and aubrey is beaming.

"we can go on it later, there's still so much to do," i say as i open our locker to get our stuff.

"no! we want to go on now!" tubbo argues.

"yeah! you're not the boss of us!" i look at tommy with a raised eyebrow and hold up his leash that i just retrieved from the locker. the two boys immediately stop back-talking.

"didn't you guys want butterbeer?" aubrey asks. she checks her phone. "granted, it's super early in the morning, but-"

"YEAH!" tommy and tubbo shout as they make a mad dash towards hogsmeade. they're out of sight before aubrey and i can blink.

"and they're gone. again," i say disappointedly.

"do we even go after them this time?" aubrey asks.

"if we don't, they're going to burn this place to the ground and dance in the flames. c'mon." i start to jog in the direction tommy and tommy ran to, and aubrey follows suit.

though trust me, i would've loved to spend some alone time with you, aubrey. 

(A/N i really have no idea what to say for this author's note but i always write an author's note so... THANK YOU FOR READING!! i appreciate you taking your time to read my stuff, it makes me smile very much :D i know i ask this every time and it probably gets annoying, but it would be really cool if you voted, commented, shared, and added this to your reading lists! it's v motivating and helps out a ton, plus it doesn't cost you a penny so... you got nothing to lose!! and also we're sorta kinda close to 100k reads on this story [which is absolutely insane, thank you endlessly] so doing those things would really help out!!! lol but i hope you have a fantastic day! if you're going through finals [like i am ugh] then i wish you the best of luck!! you got this <3 i love you guys a ton and i hope you have an awesome day!!)

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