chapter 37- wingardium leviosa

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"what now? what now?" tubbo says excitedly. "the forbidden journey again? ooh, or we could go on the hippogriff ride! or even-"

"um, hello?" aubrey says holding up her wand. "we cast spells, of course!"

"oh. right. duh."

the four of us make our way to diagon alley, where a bunch of spell areas await us.

basically, these spell areas are little places around the park where, if you have a special "interactive" wand, you can perform magic. i have no idea how these things work, but tubbo says he likes to think it's real magic. and in a way, i don't think he's wrong.

we make it to one area to make spells, and there's already a line. the spell is called wingardium leviosa, and when used correctly, a feather quill behind a window is supposed to levitate.

we all wait impatiently in line, and once we finally get to the front, tommy throws his phone at me and urges me to vlog.

"i'm the youngest! i go first!" tommy announces, holding up his dogwood wand.

"that's the first time he's taken pride in being the baby," i say.

"i'm not a baby!"

"sure you aren't. now start doing your hocus pocus shit, honey! smile for the camera!"

"shut up, dad."

"according to bart, i am your dad."

the four of us laugh and we earn an impatient cleared throat from the man working at the spell station.

tommy attempts the spell, yelling out "wingarium levosa!" the quill doesn't move.

"what the fuck?" tommy sputters out. "what did i do wrong?"

"first of all, you completely butchered the pronunciation," aubrey says. "it's levi-O-sa. not whatever the hell you said."

i laugh at the movie quote reference. and tommy seems to catch on.

"you do it then if you're so clever. go on!" the blonde boy urges, continuing the movie quote. aubrey smirks at him playing along, and steps up to plate. her hazel wood wand reaches upward, and she motions it with a swish and flick.

"wingardium leviosa," aubrey says. the quill levitates, before dropping back on the perch it's resting on.

"wonderful!" the man working says. "who's next?"

"me!" tubbo exclaims. he grips his maple wand tightly and mutters the words.

"wingardium leviosa," tubbo says quietly. the quill doesn't move.

"uh, tubbo?" i whisper. "you're supposed to move the wand."

"oh!" tubbo laughs awkwardly. "wingardium leviosa!" he attempts to copy aubrey's wand movements, but makes them a lot more exaggerated than hers. so the quill doesn't move.

"better luck next time," the man says. he looks at me. "you next?"

i nod swiftly and hand the phone to aubrey. i pull my hornbeam wand out of my pocket, and suddenly get a little nervous.

but what is there to be nervous about? it's a silly little spell at a silly little park with my silly little friends. who cares?

i care.

i shake my head and beg my subconscious to shut up.

i do a small swish and flick motion with my wrist, and clearly say "wingardium leviosa." but the quill doesn't move.

"i think that hand movement was a little too small..." tubbo says.

"okay, says you! moving your whole arm to make a small spell," i say with a grunt.

"good try," the unenthusiastic worker says. "next in line!"

the four of us hurry out of line and sigh.

"i guess none of us are in ravenclaw for a reason," i say.

"speak for yourself," aubrey replies proudly. "i absolutely nailed that."

"shut up."

(A/N believe it or not, i did my research for every single harry potter wand, and carefully picked out everyone's wand as i thought would best suit them in this fic. so here are the explanations, since i won't go into detail of them in the actual storyline, and i'm quite proud of them so i want to show off HAHA)

(aubrey's wand: hazel wood and phoenix core. hazel wood reflects their owner's mental state, and is best suited for someone that knows how to control and manage their feelings. when the person owning this wand is angry, their feelings tend to boil out of control, and it's hard to get their trust/love back. the phoenix core is the rarest core for a wand. their owner is independent, like a phoenix, and act of their own accord)

(wilbur's wand: hornbeam wood and unicorn hair core. the hornbeam wood symbolizes a passion that their owner has, either for someone or something [in wilbur's case it's for someone, can you guess who?], and some might even call this passion an obsession. hornbeam wands display loyalty to their owner's emotions, which can change at the drop of a pin. as for the unicorn hair core, they symbolize their owner's loyalty, which is one of their greatest traits. they are the most faithful, but typically not the most physically strong)

(tommy's wand: dogwood and dragon heartstring core. owners of the dogwood wand are very entertaining, like to have fun, and playful. they are not good at taking things seriously, and love to turn a difficult situation into something to laugh at. their owners are also often very noisy. even though this owner has an overall silly and somewhat childish nature, they are also very clever and quick-witted. the dragon heartstring core belongs to someone mischievous. it could turn to the dark arts, but will not if the owner doesn't have evil in their heart. however, these people are very prone to accidents, considering they are very temperamental)

(tubbo's wand: maple wood and unicorn hair core. maple wood represents an owner that is a natural explorer and loves to travel. they are ambitious and always achieving self-growth. the people that own these wands are high achievers, and always go above and beyond to reach their goals. just like wilbur, tubbo has a unicorn hair core. wilbur has said that tubbo reminds him a lot of himself, and i can see why he thinks that. just like wilbur, tubbo is a very loyal friend. though he isn't physically the strongest, his love and care for his friends is unparalleled)

(if you want to read more about wand types, or see which one you think would best suit you, you should definitely check out the wizarding world website! the quiz to see your wand literally takes two minutes max and it's really cool :D and in case you're at all curious, my wand is cherry word with a phoenix feather core)

(so yeah! i hope you guys enjoyed reading that, because i had a lot of fun making up everyone's wand, and i hope you enjoyed this chapter! it would mean a lot if you voted, commented, shared, and added this story to your reading lists! doing so really shows your support, helps the story out a ton, and i greatly appreciate it! <3 i hope you have a good day, i love you!)

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