learning a few things

565 46 20

Taking in a deep breathe, type then winced has something hit his bare ass.
Furrowing his brow, type turned his head has he slept to his stomach, to then move up a bit on his forarms to really eye tharn who was to the side of the bed looking down at his with an aloof expression.
"What? You've slept through the alarm, get up."
Tharn then turned to then go to the bathroom.
"If your not up by the time I am finished from here, I'll go straight to your raw ass."
Type signed has he watched tharn go inside the bathroom to then turn to his back to then look to the ceiling to then place two fingers to his lips to then trace, has he remembered tharns mouth on his.
Type took in a very deep breathe to then place his hands to his eyes to rub.
After he then streached his arms to either side to then take in a very deep breathe.
What am I going to do? Tharn made me unpack everything I own to place through this damn mansion, maybe I'll still have time to re pack everything after work but......
Type then placed his fingers to his lips to trace again.
He had kissed a lot of women but this kiss was something else.
Taking his fingers away he then sat up to eye tharn who came about with an eye brow raised.
"Still in bed?"
Type took in a deep breathe to then turn about to then get up to head to the bathroom.
"Needed.... To use this first."
Tharn turned his head to watch type go inside the bathroom to then roll his eyes has he heard the lock.
After relieving himself, type was before the sink to wash his hands to then slowly look up to eye himself in the mirror.
What is happening to me? God, I have kissed so many women but one kiss from a guy and now I feel so confused, like I don't want to move anymore, like I want to be here.
Type shook his head to then turn off the facet to then turn to then grab a towel to then dry to then take a very deep breathe.
I.... Have never had this much sex before..... Maybe that's it, I really hate this fucking young prick......
Type then snapped his head to the side to hear knocking.
"We need to get going, come out."
Type took in a deep inhale to then comply.
Going about he then open to look over tharn who was fully dressed to then go a bit behind the door..
Tharn lightly chuckled.
"I have seen every inch of you, no real reason to be modest."
Tharn turned to then start to leave the bedroom.
"Come on, there will be breakfest to the table."
Type moved a bit around the door, to then watch him leave to sign.
Shrugging, type then went to a cloest to then grab his clothes to then place on to then go about without much thought to then go to the dining room table to then sit.
Looking up, type saw tharn come about to place a large plate to type to then go to his seat to then sit to then consume.
Type looked over this to then slowly look to tharn, he gritted his teeth has his heart was beating very hard in his chest.
Shaking his head, type grabbed the fork to then stab the food in his frustration and irritation.
Hearing the loud noise, tharn looked up eye type questionably.
"Something wrong with the food?"
Type took in a deep breathe has he chewed and hard to shake his head to then down more a bit quieter..
Tharn shrugged to then look down to keep at it, he didn't want to be late.
Finishing, first, tharn then got up to then take the dish to the sink to then go about to then grab types, he then looked up a bit in anger.
Tharn shrugged again to then turn about..
"Shouldn't have wasted time."
Type signed and heavily to then get up to go about to leave, he wanted a moments of peace.
Tharn came about to then eye.
Turning his head, he heard his front door open and close..
Type went out to then go down the large stairs with his head hung to mutter to himself.
Snapping his head to the side his eyes widened to see tharn to his side with a hand wrapped to his arm to see tharn was pulling him.
"What are you doing?"
"Your going in my car."
Type signed to then look forward..
"Tharn..... Let go, I can.... Hey!"
Tharn gripped his arm to then pull him harder to his car that was too the garage around the corner.
Going in, type was shoved to an expensive car to then watch tharn go about to then get in.
Type took in a very deep inhale to then get in to slam the door.
"What the hell! Also how are we going to explain us coming in one car together?"
Tharn shrugged to then place the key in to then start the car to then leave.
"You don't have one, I took you to work. Not hard to come up with a lie."
Type signed to then wrap his arms about.
"Why are you doing this?"
Tharn lightly chuckled.
"Believe you know why, it's until I can trust you."
Type turned his head to look out the window.
Fuck! He's intuitive.
Going to work, tharn parked in a garage, fit them to both get out to walk.
Going inside the building, type started to go to his small office until tharn went to him to wrap an arm about to pull him to the elevators.
"Where do you think your going?"
Type looked to tharn a bit confused..
"To my desk?"
Tharn shook his head to then go inside when the elevators opened to then turn his head to eye type.
"You're desk will be moved to my office, need to keep my bitch near."
Types eyes narrowed.
"Now listen here you son of a...."
Types eyes widened has tharn placed his lips to his fur a brief kiss to then go back to let type go.
"Here, it will be strict business, just wait until we get home."
Tharn then turned his head forward to have a smile to his face.
Types ears turned red to then turn his head to then hang it to then roll his hands into fists.
Damn him! Fuck! Why do I want him to do that again!

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