wanting to know more, but being denied

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Laying to his back, type took in deep breathes has he eyed the ceiling, to then turn his head to look at tharns back has he laid to his side, to be fast asleep.
Type then got up on his forarms to look him up and down to make a face.
Going to his side, he then brought up his hand to then start to shake tharn a bit.
Tharn furrowed his brow to then take in a deep breathe.
"Mm.... What?"
Type then took his hands back to place under his head..
"How much longer are you going to have that man come to watch me?"
Tharn signed heavily to then go to his back to bring up a hand to rub his forehead with his eyes closed.
"Do we really need to discuss this right now?"
Tharn flexed his jaw to then take his hand away to then turn his head to eye.
"Why now?"
Types eyes narrowed.
"Answer the question tharn."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then turn his head to look forward to eye the ceiling.
"When I can trust you, then he will not be needed."
Also have to figure out if he touched you.
Types eyes Darted, he then pushed forward.
"Why..... Did you pull me into this? What is between us?"
Tharn turned his head slowly to eye.
"Type..... It is 2 in the morning."
Types eyes narrowed..
"We don't have work tomorrow, answer me."
Tharn raised an eye brow, he then moved about to then push type to his back to then Hover over to eye him narrowly.
"Excuse me?"
Type took in a deep breathe to place his hands to tharns chest.
"Whatever we are...... We've been at it for a month, I don't really know you, you don't really know me and we keep.......I want you to talk to me, it's frustrating the living hell out of me!"
"You know enough."
Types lips parted to sign.
"I'm nothing but my body to you..... Aren't I."
Tharn gritted his teeth and hard, he then moved back to then grab type by the wrists to then place them above his head to then take a free hand down to remove his boxers and types to then spread his legs a bit.
Types eyes widened to then furrow his brow has tharn placed his hand to his mouth to then slowly go in to place his forehead to his hand that covered types mouth.
"You are so much more then your body......but shit type..... You feel so very good!"
Type squeezed his eyes tightly shut has he went up and down with the friction of the thrusting.
After, type kept his hands above his head to look to the ceiling to shake his head a bit.
Gulping, he then looked down to see tharn still to him to sign.
Why won't you talk to me! Why won't you answer anything I ask! What the hell are we?
Fuck! Why do I even care!?
Type then took his hand to his eyes to rub to make a hard stern face, he then moved his hand away to look back down to tharn who took in a deep breathe to tighten his grip about type, to then fall back into his deep slumber.
Type peered his eyes to the side to see that action to take in a deep breathe to then place his arms about tharn to then look back to the ceiling.
What are we? What do you feel for me? I do believe I've developed some sort of feelings for you tharn but every time I try to get closer to you, this happens. How am I suppose to think I'm not my body to you when you keep doing this?
Type exhaled loudly to dart his eyes over the ceiling.
I really am starting to hate himself, don't even really wish to leave, I..... Want to know more about, you tharn, but why do you keep deflecting?
Type then closed his eyes to fall under.
The next morning, type slowly opened his eyes to wake on his stomach, to make a face.
Type then turned to his back to then get slowly up to eye about.
Type placed his hand to the blanket to then move it away to then go to the dresser to grab a pair of boxers and sweatpants to down on, to then go about.
Heading to the kitchen, he looked about to then go to stand behind tharn has he was too the stove making them breakfest.
Type wrapped his arms about.
"Well..... It's not 2 in the morning, can we talk?"
Tharn took in a deep breathe to continue to stir the food.
"Go sit."
Types eyes narrowed.
"Then can we talk?"
Tharn grabbed the pan to then place to the back burner to town to go straight to type to place his hands to his neck to pull him for a deep kiss.
Types eyes widened to then have them go in the back of his head, he couldn't help but place his hands to tharns bare chest to grip a bit.
Tharn then opened his eyes slowly to eye that he subdued type to then move his mouth off to look over him.
"Now go my little bitch."
Tharn let him go to turn to go back to the food.
Type placed his hands to the counter to look down to take in deep breathes.
"Your..... An asshole! Stay the fuck away from me!"
Type turned to then go to the bedroom to gather a shirt.
Tharn stopped pouring the food to a plate to eye it sternly, to then place the pan to the stove top to grit his teeth and hard.
It's better this way....... You can not get to attached to me. I won't fall for another, just know you are mine type! You are not going to go anywhere!
Tharn then turned to go to type.
Placing a shirt on type looked to the ground in anger, to then stop when he saw feet to then slowly look up.
"What, asshole!"
Tharns eyes narrowed, to then bring up his hand to then grip the back of types head to then pull him back towards the kitchen to bend him over the table, to then place a hand to his neck to keep him there to place his free hand to his pants to then pull down a bit to then smack, his ass to then go to his knees to spread his cheeks to place his tongue into his cavity.
Type tensed to grit his teeth to then sign heavily to place his head to the side of the table to become very mad at himself, he grew instantly hard.
Fuck! I hate this! I just want to know more about....... My lover.......

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