what made me this way

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Darting his eyes over a computer at the library at School, tharn took in a very deep breathe to then curl his lips inward to then cum.
Tharn then turned his head to look around, to then move back to eye down to smile has the girl that was under his desk came up giggling.
"Can't believe I did that."
Tharn then placed his hands down to fix himself to then get up to fully eye her.
"Thank you for it, really helped me."
She nodded.
"Can't believe I....... Have Mr. Yings sons cum in me."
Tharn signed.
"Mm.... Cant believe it either."
She giggled to then leave, tharn turned his head to eye her to leave to then roll his eyes.
Hate being a ying! No one sees me!
Tharn shook his head to then go through the stacks to go to the back to look about to try and find the book he needed for his 10th grade accounting class.
He then was about to place his fingers to the top of the book, to then feel fingers to his.
Tharn turned his head to then look over a bit of a smaller boy.
"Oh.....um....I really need this book."
"So do I."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then take his fingers away to then start to go around to place his hands in his pants.
The boy grabbed the book to then look fully at tharn.
"So......how was it?"
Tharn stopped to dart his eyes to then turn his head to look at this boy.
"How was what?"
"That blow job?"
Tharns eyes widened to fully turn to go right to him to place his hands to his collar to then take him to a stack to really eye.
"We're you watching!?" He whispered a shout.
The boy smirked.
"A bit ballsy to be doing that in a public place."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"It's a great stress releaser."
Tharn then pushed him to the stack to then turn to try and leave, he stopped to look down to grow in confusement.
He turned his head to look down at the boy who went to him to wrap his arms about to look at tharn with a smile.
"Did you know, guys are better at giving blow jobs then girls."
"What in the hell are you talking about?"
The boy started to take his hands down, tharn turned his head to eye this action.
"What the hell!"
"Let me show you."
Tharn shook his head.
"No! Let go I'm not gay!"
The boy laughed to then use strength tharn didn't know he had to be pushed to the stacks to see the boy go to his knees to then undo his pants to then take out his member to stroke has he looked up.
"Mm...... Not yet....sure I can change that.....I know you are going to like it." The boy started to kiss at his member.
Tharn tensed.
"Damnit! Let it go! Do you not know who I am!"
The boy shrugged.
"I don't honestly care about who your father is."
Tharns lips parted, the boy then looked down to smile has tharn got semi hard to then move his hand away to then down his length.
Tharn squeezed his eyes tightly shut to then start to thrust in that mouth.
The boy then got up, to wrap his hand around to stroke to eye tharn deeply.
"I want more."
Tharn breathed heavily.
"What are you talking about?"
The boy smiled and wide to turn around to take down his pants and boxers to then start to move himself on that cock.
Tharn then placed his hands to his waist to stop this.
"What are you doing!?"
The boy turned his head to eye.
"I want your cock in me....mm.... Please...."
Tharn rolled his eyes..
"I'm not gay!"
The boy giggled to then place himself fully in that length.
Tharn lifted his head up.
"Oh my...."
The boy grabbed tharns hand to place it to his twitching cock to then place his other about his neck to go up and down that length.
"Aaah fuck me my little bitch!"
Tharn Furrowed his brow at that word to then shrug to start to thrust, he couldn't help it, he was so tight.
After, the two fixed themselves for tharn to then look to him.
"What was that?"
The boy looked up to eye.
The boy shrugged.
"Watching what I did made me horny. Not my fault."
Tharn made a face, the boy looked him up and down to then turn his head to start to go off.
"W.... Wait."
The boy stopped to then turn his head.
"Can we.... Do that again?"
The boy looked him up and down to then nod.
Tharn then stepped closer.
"Can I have a name?"
"My name is kleto."
Tharn nodded to then watch him go off to then take in a deep inhale.
Shit..... That was too good.....
Tharn gritted his teeth to then go to the book that fell to the ground to retrieve it to then turn his head to eye the empty space.
A few weeks into this, tharn was told to bring his things to kletos house, to basically be living with this boy, to barely have conversations with him, it was mainly just sex.
To there sides, tharn was fucking him and deep, with a hand to his throat and a hand to his cock to stroke, the boy had his head back to move his body with his to grow closer.
"Ah god yes! Fuck me my little bitch!"
Tharn furrowed his brow to then go to his ear.
"Isn't that what you are?"
Kleto rolled his eyes to move up and down that cock even faster.
"I'm....mmm..... Technically......fucking you.....aaah..... Just make me cum! No talking!"
Tharn made a face to do just that.
After, tharn took in a deep breathe to be sitting criss cross to the bed to be looking at his hands has kleto was before him being dressed.
"Can we talk for a minute?"
"Well, I'm going to be late for work."
"Kleto, we really need to talk."
Kleto signed to then turn his head to eye him.
"What is it?"
Tharn slowly looked to him.
"What are we? Are we boyfriends?"
Kleto started to laugh, tharns lips parted.
"What's so funny?"
"We're...... Fuck buddies. Why would you think we're dating?"
"I'm..... Living with you. Been for a few weeks now. You made me....."
Kleto held up his hand.
"I didn't do anything."
"You told me to get my things and come here."
Kleto rolled his eyes.
"For more easier access to your dick. But I didn't force you to do anything, you decided to come here."
Tharns heart sank to look down.
Kleto turned to laugh again has he started to place on his pants.
"Oh don't tell me you love me."
Tharn took in a deep breathe.
Kleto then turned to eye tharn fully.
"Oh god...... This is just sex. We're only 16, get over it. This is why I have multiple lovers, especially when you started to become a bit clinging and was wanting me to stay here more."
Kleto shook his head, tharn widened his eyes to then look up.
"Multiple..... Lovers?"
Kleto nodded.
"You started to become overly clingy, was wanting me all the time, I am not at all like that. Sorry. Um I need to go to work. Make sure my bitch eats, want to go again."
Tharn watched him go to then eye him angerly to get up and quick to pack.
Fuck this! Thought he loved me!
Tharn took in deep breathes has tears fell.

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