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Going home after what went down with type, tharn was to the back of his door with his head hung, to eye the floor making a face.
Going forth, he then moved about his home to eye the emptyness to then go to his living room to flop to the couch to then sit to the edge, to cup his hands together to eye them to take in a deep breathe.
You are so much more to me then you think type.
Tharn curled his lips inward to then move his back to the couch to then move his hands to either side of himself, to then turn his head to look down to then place his hand palm down to the cushion to move it up and down.
We've made love to this couch. Guess..... He doesn't see it that way.
Tharn took in a deep breathe to then start to have a memory go through his head.
He was there with his lap top trying to finish some work at home.
Finishing what he needed to, type then placed his to the coffee table that was in front of them to then move back to town his head to eye over tharn.
Narrowing his eyes, type then smirked to then move his hands up to grab tharns computer to then shut it to place it upon his to then get on top.
Tharn raised an eye brow to look over him.
"I didn't save that."
Type wrapped his arms about his neck to shrug.
"Take a break."
Tharn then placed his hands to types waist to take in a very deep inhale.
"There is a punishment for this."
Type rolled his eyes to then go down to place his lips to his, for tharn to get into it, to then take his hands to his back to start to grip to start to grind.
Coming back, tharn darted his eyes over the spot to sign and hard, he then got up to go straight to the kitchen, going to the refrigerator he then pulled the door open to move his head down to eye the emptyness, to then shrug to grab a beer.
Turning, he then looked up to sign even harder.
To the counter across from him, tharn could see another memory of which they both were having sex.
Tharn flexed his jaw to then turn back to the refrigerator to then grab out a few more bottles to then go back to the living room. For the last year and 7 months this was becoming more and more of his diet.
A bit later, tharn started to sway a bit has he was too his 5th bottle.
Downing it, he then placed it in front of his eyes to look into it to then sputter has he took it away, he then threw it to the side, to then eye it has it shattered.
Signing, he then turned his head forward..
"How dare you my little bitch leave me...... Such a naughty little......"
Tharn took in a very deep breathe to then place his hands to his eyes.
Thought if I just kept my distance he would come back, guess not......fuck..... After tonight....... Damnit......I can't do this shit anymore.....
Tharn then slowly took his hands down to then make a face has he thought of something.
Duma with tyro looked to him has tharn Called him then shook his head.
"You are unstable if you think I would seriously help you kidnap someone."
Duma turned his head to eye the back of the bathroom door has he was inside, to hear tyro knocking.
"Duma! What is going on!?"
Duma signed to then eye the ground.
Tharn lifted his head back to eye the ceiling.
"You work for me. Get it done."
Duma rolled his eyes.
"I am not going to do that. Listen. You may not want to hear this, however I believe I know who you are wanting this for. All I have to say is, leave him alone."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Excuse me?" He scoffed.
"Him and I have had a few talks, rather you wanted us to or not. You have permanently damaged him. Just leave him alone."
Tharn sputtered to then place the phone to his mouth.
"Your fired!"
Duma widened his eyes, to then shrug to turn off the phone to then eye it with a face.
He turned his head once more to eye the bathroom door has tyro was pounding on it.
So impatient.
Duma then looked back to his phone to make another phone call.
To his bath, type was relaxed into it with a towel to his face to think of other places to move. Knowing he couldn't stay there now.
Hearing his phone go off, type took the towel off to then place that to the side to then grab the phone to take it to his ear.
"Hello. I do not know if you remember me or not, however I am the man who watched over you."
Type took in a very deep breathe.
"What is it you want?"
Duma then told type everything to then get off the phone to place it to the sink to then go to the door to open to eye over a pissed off tyro.
"Duma! What the....."
Widening his eyes, duma had gone to him to place his hands to his face to give him a deep kiss to then move it back to look over him.
"You are so impatient."
Tyro rolled his eyes.
"What was that phone call?"
Duma shrugged to then grab ahold of tyro to then take them back to bed.
"Work. Also I was too be fired from a job."
Tyro smiled and wide to then wrap his arms about to turn his head to the side to then crush his lips to his.
To the tub, type darted his eyes over his ceiling.
He wanted this mans help to kidnap me?
Type took in a deep breathe to then go under the water.
Tharn......I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you, but can tell your losing it.
Type then came up to then take a hand to his wet hair to then sleek it back to look across the room, he didn't know why but a small smile played about his mouth, type then signed to shake his head.
I should not be happy about this..... Need to get protection..... Knowing him this will eventually come about.
Type darted his eyes, to then make a face.
I need to do something about this and now.
Type then got out to move about.
Later, tharn was to his side in his bed, to be fast asleep.
Feeling tugging he then opened his eyes still a bit drunk to then eye one wrist to then look to the other, to then look forward to widen his eyes over type who stood to the edge of the bed to have his arms wrapped about him to take in deep breathes.
Tharn then started to thrash a bit.
"What the hell are you doing!?"
Type couldn't help but to smile.
"Taking measures to insure that we can talk. I had an interesting phone call a bit ago. "
Type then stepped closer to really eye tharn.
"You..... Are trying to kidnap me?"
Tharn darted his eyes a bit confused to then sign has he could in part remember.
Type looked over him to then sit to the edge.
"It's finally our time to talk."
Tharn looked over him to then press his head to the wall to look to the ceiling.
Doesn't seem like I have a choice in that manner.
Tharn took in a very deep breathe to then look over type.
"Guess..... So."

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