can't believe this!

515 47 33

Taking in a deep inhale, tharn to his stomach reached a hand over to the side table to turn off his alarm to then retreat it back to groan, he was very tired.
Moving his head forward, he then shuffeled his forehead to the pillow to then turn it with his eyes closed to the other side to then reach an arm out to then pat the empty bed, to then furrow his brow to then open his eyes to then look about.
Tharn then got up on his forarms to really dart his eyes.
Tharn flexed his jaw to then turn about to get out of the bed and quick to then go to the bathroom to flip on the light to then look about he widened his eyes has he saw types things were gone, tharn started to breathe heavily, to then turn to leave the bedroom in haste to then go to other parts of his home to see most of types things gone.
Tharn froze to then turn to go back to his bedroom to then go to his side table to then grab his phone to call someone first..
Groaning, tyro was to his side, with his arm about duma to then whimper a bit.
"Duma..... It's to early...."
Duma to his side, slowly opened his eyes to then furrow his brow to then lift up his hand to they grab his phone to place to his ear.
"Mm.... Yes?"
"Have you've seen or talked to type?"
Duma took in a deep breathe.
"No sir, mm.... Are you calling for me to baby sit him today?"
Tyro opened his eyes to then look at the back of dumas head to then sign..
"No...... No..... Just...."
Duma heard the other end click to then place the phone back to then grab tyros hand to then bring it to his mouth to kiss to then place it over his heart.
"Don't be mad."
"How can I not...... You were offering."
"Well, nothing was planned, I'll take today off to...."
Duma then turned in there embrace to then place his hands to tyros face to then start to kiss at his mouth.
"Mm.....duma.... It's to early...."
Duma lightly chuckled to then place his hands to tyros chest to then push him down to slip his tongue into his mouth to then move his legs up.
"Never to early..... For love." He said between kisses.
To tharns house, he was looking everywhere with his phone to his ear trying to get ahold of type to no avail to be going through drawers trying to find out where he could have gone.
Tharn then gritted his teeth to pull the phone away from his ear to then throw it across to see it skip on the floor to then watch it break to roll his eyes to turn his head back to then keep going through the drawers.
He then went back to then hang his head to place his hands to his neck to grip.
"Fuck! Where in the hell are you!?"
Tharn took in a deep breathe to start to think rationality, to then get up to go back to the bedroom to then start to get dressed.
He has to be at work, that's were I'll drag him back if I have to! This is acceptable!
Tharn then went to work in haste, to be too the elevator with his head hung to be making a face.
You better be there type! Better fucking be there!
Tharn moved his head up to eye over the elevators opening to rush to his office to open the door to part his lips to look at the emptyness, he then turned to slam the door to then head back down to where type used to work.
Going to it, he eyed about pissed. Type wasent there either, tharn then turned to go to human resources, he stood before her to wrap his arms about has she was typing to try and find him.
"Says here..... He took a month off."
Tharn narrowed his eyes.
"Where is he to be?"
She shrugged with a face..
"I don't know. He didn't place an address."
"What is his phone number?"
She then listed off what she had, to what tharn had been trying, to then hang his head to sign.
She turned her head to then widened her eyes at his out burst to see him turn to then leave.
"Well..... Okay then."
Tharn then went to the office to sit down to look at the top of the desk to grit his teeth and hard with his arms still wrapped about his body.
Where in the fuck did you go! What is going on! Why did you....... Fuck!
Tharn then hunched himself over to place his elbows to the desk to place his hands to his neck to rub himself.
Where are you! Why did you.....I did everything right this time! Why did you.... Leave me!
To a far hotel, type was to a bed, to be on the service phone with his mom to nod here and there has he listen to her life in america with his father.
"Soon we will come back, just want to enjoy our time together. But enough about me, what has been going on with you?"
Type took in a deep breathe.
"Really nothing to report. Been working and a lot."
"That's good. Have you've gotten a girlfriend yet?"
Type flexed his jaw to look down.
"Still.... Weighing my options."
Type then looked up to see the girl he picked up that morning, to come out from the bathroom in his shirt to look over him with a bit of a smile.
Type took in a deep breathe to then look down.
"Mom....I am with company right now. I'll talk to Later."
"Remember type, I do want grand children and your not going any younger."
Type rolled his eyes.
"I know. I know."
Type then shut off the phone, to then eye the girl who went to sit to the edge of the bed to eye him.
"I..... Find it very sexy when a man is close to his mother."
Type took in a deep breathe to then eye her.
"Mm..... I'm just sorry I accidently spilled tea on your shirt. Just have mine. Um.... I'm tired."
She rolled her eyes to then get up to start to leave.
"You know.....I can maybe stay and...."
Type flexed his jaw to continue to look down.
"Maybe another time I..... Just got out of a really..... Bad relationship."
She made a face to then turn her head to eye over him.
"Been there. Let me give you my number "
She found a piece of paper and pen to then go to him to place it by him to look him over.
"Call me. Please."
She then placed her hand to his chin to then move his head up to then put her lips to his, to then go back with a wide smile to then go to turn to leave, type looked after her to sign.
Damnit! I didn't feel one fucking thing! And . I'm missing him so fucking much! God why!
Type placed his hands to his eyes to rub to go into depression.

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