Visit II

14 3 0

In the throne hall

Jamie - So this is the throne hall huh. It sure is even bigger than I thought.

Blue Pearl - Steven thoguht so too. I'm surprised you're here though...

Yellow Pearl - I thought you're busy with other gems in little homeschool.

Jamie - Yeah, humans get tired quicker than you I guess so... I took a break from that for a while.

Yellow Pearl - And you still came here in this state? You are quite stubborn are't you?

She seems to be teasing him but he doesn't feel like answering either way. He did find it funny though

The gems were passing here and there in the hall and...some walking doors were moving around

There was also the groupd of gems nearby that Jamie overhears

Purple Pearl - As you see, this was the center of power in the Gem Empire through the era 2.

Jamie looks up at the four thrones of four different colors.

Purple Pearl notices him looking "Oh now look at that. It seems we are lucky to meet of the humans here."

The group of gems consisting of a Peridot, a sapphire, topaz, a jasper and two nephites walk over to Jamie

Purple Pearl - Hello there. Would you be so kind to explain the wonders of your planet to us?

Topaz - What is the earth like?

Sapphire - I've heard it's a very marvelous place.

Nephrite - Can you tell us what is the ocean like?

Jasper - How are you able to survive?

Jamie - Uhm not all at once please.


Jamie - Gosh for someone who is on a vacation, it doesn't seem like I am on one.

The group followed Pueple Pearl off after their 'interrogation'

Yellow Pearl - Yeah didn't seem like that to me either.

Blue Pearl - By the way, did you get interested in the diamonds' thrones?

Yellow Pearl - Wanna sit up on them?

Jamie *curiously* - Huh? N-no Yelena... not exatly. Now that I'm here, can you elaborate on the whole era 3 of homeworld? Now that gems can do whatever they want

He especially kept in mind the 'whatever they want' part

Blue Pearl - Well since era 3 began our kind is just enjoying their freedom.

Yellow Pearl - Not that we don't do anything at all, that would be... how you call it? Boring. Uhm Are you okay?

In his sleep depraved state, he sneezed on his arm with two pearls keeping some distance

Jamie - S-sorry... what were you saying?


Jamie : Uhm it isn't broadcasting to the entire universe right?

Blue Pearl - No we made sure it only shows here.

Yellow Pearl is seen adjusting the settings on a diamond-shaped projection screen, broadcasting different gems while at the same time explaining their habits and new traits. Some old traits too which they managed to redirect into a healthier and helpful way.

Jaspers and Amethysts create their own homeworld variation of mixed martial arts, essencially transforming homeworld arenas inot the alien equivalent of strip mall dojos, where they are free to fight but ner over negative feelings towards one another. It also gives them a chance to teachother gems not made t ofight to stand u pand at least defend themselves.

Next up were Lapis Lazulis who are best suited to be meteorologists, those who study atmosphere, it's climate and how it all affects their environments and inhabitants. Lazulis would be invaluable for weather prediction in case cloud formations can become severly dangerous including natural disasters like hurricanes.

Peridots are technicians and certified kindergardners so they most excel at environmental science and engineering. Their undestanding of conditions and environments necesary to create gems gives them an advantage. And with their new found appreciation of the planets, peridots can use their tools and make analysis needed to assist planets no worse than Lazulis.

Now there are Pearls, who are better suited for management positions. Because they were made to carry out every whim of their owner, they're usually very organised and knowledgeable gems. He seen it himself when Pearl was reset by Spinel, she was back to her fisrt form but was aware of the purpose of each gem and noticed when it didn't work as it should witout being told. So they tend to keep everything organised, even if it's in their own unique way. They are quick learning due to their prior homeworld purpose so they would likely pick up on every detail of something very quickly. And so they are adaptable and suited to managers positios on just about anything. Especially wih their calm and serious dispositions when they need to but they can be funny too when they want to

Zircons are good to be therapists or consilors. They are good listeners, the ability to listen closely to someone is someting not a lot of people have and it can be an invaluable skill. You can learn alot when listening with open mind as well as learn of ways to help others that way.

Sapphires. While also good to be counsilors due to their patience and calm demeanor, they can also serve more entertaining purposes. Seems like the idea of gambling games, they seem to fit Sapphires quite well with them looking for better ways to victory. There is also the idea of fortunetelling now, using their abilities this time to tell gems what may come in the future. It was quite simple.

Rose Quartz gems were trickier as theydidn't operate for a long time, however they are quite heplful with health caring. They were once caretakers in the human zoo after all so they'll be good companions for young and old people.

Rubies also get a place, as guards and firefighters. With their own natural inclination of fire, they'd be perfect to withstand the heat and to rescue those in danger. They wouldn't short handed and with both their speed and strength, they make a good team to defend many lives. They are a bit hotheaded thoguh so he just hopes for the best. The mayor's rubies do a fine job if you ask him.

And finally Spinels. They are good to be care workers, best suited to be in charge of supervision, playtime and socialization. They're quite stretchy and flexible limbs would allow them to move and do multiple things at once, making the multitasing a breeze. There are always new children to take care of so they won't be thrown away when they grow tired. They can learn a lot from each other too, like not playing too rough or too dangerously.

Yellow Pearl - "Also as Pink Lasagna, (she means Steven) spinels's elastic properties can favour the earth's yoga classes, he said it'll let them get a stretch"

Blue Pearl - And that's all. Did you find our explanation informative?

Jamie looked a bit more disturbing now, with his one eye closed while the other was bloodshed.

Jamie - I now understand how much work Steven really had despite being just a kid.

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