Nothing left?

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A few days passed since Otto met Kevin and his family. He sticked around with them from then on... kind of.

They weren't exactly welcome of him , oh no. They were quite a serious bunch and wouldn't let him sleep in their base...

So they shown a nearby cave where there was a rotten smell...

He didn't manage to sleep initially given all the cold, plus insects...

He had time there to think of things, maybe even distract his bod from shaking... his speed isn't working well again much to his displeasure. It's quite inconsistent nor does it help sometimes...

The predicament reminded him how difficult it is to find luxuries of modern world in such a world.

He shouldn't be surprised why they aren't willing to share. With your survival at stake, you just can't afford that... even if it includes cannibalism which is a horrifying thought.

The primal instinct with no inhibitions, ethics, morals... add to that being on a hunt by a gem empire...

If this is how planets were colonised by Diamonds, then no wonder why alien life is so rare in a galaxy nearby...

Another question in his mind. Should he tell them? Tell what, that he's a dimension hopper? That alone is suspicious enough. And that he's friends with same species that ruined lives of generations!? He may risk be hanged.

That's not the only concern. He wants to eat something but if he can't...

If he remembered correctly, one can survive without food for minimum 30 days...

Still he should go out and try find anything...

There should be some resources left if small percentage of people survived, somehow that sounded even more pessimistic...

Regardless he did exactly that by searching nearby city, now that he sees it... he guessed that probably colonisation here started a little later given there are markets there.

That should be good news for survival... until one looked inside those places...

Coke, ravaged stores, bodies hanging 20 meters above the ground... he wasn't sure if they did it themselves or someone suicide them...

It mattered not, it was still creepy...

Luckily he managed to find some apples, canned food, beans.

And not just that, I ran into another person on my way back.

He was an old man with bandage on his head.

He didn't seem to care much about the boy.

If anything the old man looked even more pessimistic than he was.

Otto did invite him to sit and talk together, maybe he has useful info.

His name was Ely, another survivor whose son died of sickness a while back... He was traveling the land most of the time, not staying in same place too long.

That's how he and his family lived his whole life as far as he remembered. He all but lost faith...

Ely - If there are still those like that child and yourself, young man, with any hope for this death world... your fate won't be enviable... The god here is no more, we are on our own... trapped with those mindless bandits and under constant watch of those cursed intruders from the skies... We will all die eventually, I choose to die while wondering what is my home world like an adventurer I dreamed once to be... I wish you luck on dying in your own way, don't let them catch you... you may find death a wishful path if they do...

And after that, he was gone...

His words reminded him of that one time he talked to Jamie, the poetic guy usually was optimist but sometimes even he could be slide down. He once said that 'If we risen up, we can fall down too. We can both fly but also hit face flat into ground... civilizations like empires end before they begin, we may as well live in the apocalypse we just decorated...'

Both of these thoughts together just left Otto feeling rather down.

And that wasn't all, on his way back to the cave he saw two more things...

One a man who was half burned from lightning bolt... walking on in pain until he collapsed. There was little that could be done to help him.

Then he saw a woman running from a crowd armed with huge bats with spikes on them.

Otto contemplated if he should do something...

They were approaching her and so he took and threw the rock at one of them, distracting them from the lady but now they were looking for him.

And then it happened.

THEY came down to earth.

He sees a ship above them so he hides quickly.

A muscular figure shaped like a human comes down.

Some men tripped before staggering up to their feet, eyes wide.

And the gem appeared to be holding a weapon too.

He assumed that she possibly saw what they were about to do the woman.

The stranger pointed a spear at them as they armed with spears and knives, and grim looks.

On the ground, eyes wide with fear

"You will not steal us away! YOU WILL NOT STEAL US AWAY!" One of the men told her in no uncertain terms, through clenched teeth as they jumped violently and spun.

Otto then saw how they were dealt with, beaten down hard as a shout rang out like a clap of thunder upon them.

"You are not worthy to be taken in to our rebellion"

She then turned her attention to the scared woman sitting in against the tree.

"Come with me," She stepped forward and extended a hand to her. She does seem to care about the desperate local.

The woman's eyes turn towards the defeated bandits... she probably concluded what else she had to lose, so there was an expression of urgency now.

He watched them board the ship which flew away into space...

He may regret later that he didn't go up there too.

It's too little too late now...

However, if this one came down... that means they'll come back again...

At least it's not THAT hopeless in his mind anymore ...
This turned out to be quite messed up chapter... when certain events didn't occur at their time, few if anyone may know how things turn out...


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