New Arrivals

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Walking through the halls along with her rubies , a heart shaped Spinel was searching for her mother figure

Spinel 'Huh, White said she would be here... I don't see her anywhere though"

Aby - Are you sure she is here my Spinel?

Spinel - I don't know. She shold be easy to find considering how giant she is... I wonder where she-

Spinel stops in her tracks galncing at the mirror reflection on the walls

For rubies they didn'ty see anything unusual, just their reflections...

But for Spinel her own reflection was replaced by that of somebody she once knew as her 'best friend'

Staggered by the illusion, she stands back much to her rubies confusion

Saby - Spinel? Are you okay?

Spinel takes few more steps back mumbling word 'Pink'

She then buimps into something

"Oh! Are you alright Stardust?"

A newly arrived White Diamond looks down at Spinel in worry

Spinel then looks back to the mirror, her rubeis did too trying to find out what happened

Aby - You don't like it for some reason my Spinel?

Spinel - N-no ... no it's just me...

Looks at White

Spinel - Oh! Sorry 'bout that White...I'm just a lil tired.

White Diamond - Sure you sure everything is all right? You've been very jumpy lately...

Spreading her arms, Spinel grabs all her rubis as she excitedly elongates her legs to reach White's hands

"Hee hee! Aww White don't worry 'bout it!"

Throne Hall

Stevn - Well what do you say?

Spinel - OH MY STARS! White, this looks amazing!

The halls were decorating with various accesories and sparkly objects, which makes Spinel feel liek she's on another concert (The only other concert is the one in the movie)

White - Isn't it just grand?You can thank Steven for the wonderful choices of decor.

Steven - It was no problem at all! In fact, party planning for this was great! It definitely helped me get my mind off some things.

Spinel - ...Like sleep?

Steven - Ha. Ha. Anyway I'll make sure this ball will go as smoothly as possible. The others will arrive shortly as well.

White Diamond - Thank you Steven, it's absoltely VITAL that the ball must be perfect. Spinel, Steven and I will check in andmake sure evergy gem and human have arrived. Your job is to make sure to greet your guests and welcome them.

Spinels holds her dress tightly "Right... meeting other gems and humans..."

She wasn't really sure of that since she may get embarassed with others, if they even want to be her friends... ' I doubt they forgot that I nearly destroyed their home'

Spinel then stans on White's palm as the diamond looks at her confused

White - Well that was unenthusiastic of you. What's wrong? Isn't that what you wanted?

Spinel - W-well yeah! ... It's just... *blushing and holding her ponytails* ..There's so many of them! I think I'm jsut really, ya know...nervous n' all... and maybe a little shy...

White - You're going to do wondefully Stardust, they'll all love you, just how we love you. (Very comforting) I can guarantee it. Ther's no reason why we think no one will get along with you!

Spinel 'Crap I didn't still tell them about the injector incident' - Thanks White ... but I think you're just really biased about that.

White - I just want nothing more than for you to be safe and happy. Now go on , your guests will be arriving. We know that you'll do just wondeful Stardust.

She places Spinel nicely on her pink colored throne

She then attends every gem that arrived one after the other :

Spinel - Welcome! I hope you'll enjoy your time here, it's swell to meet ya!

Sky Sapphire - Thank you! It's lovely to meet you my Spinel!

Spinel Meets two Jaspers

Red one : Ha! It's great to be here!

Spinel - Welcome! It's wonderful to have you all here! 'Woah they're huge...'

Green one : No thank YOU my radiancy.

Pyrope - Oh my Spinel. You're doing us a great honor

Ruby - It's good to finally meet you

Spinel - Hahaha the honor is all mine, welcome.

Squaridot - Hello there

Spinel shakes her hand as her rubies salute her

Spinel - It's nice to finally meet you. What's it like out of the palace. I got so many questions and uh-

She looks away to see one of her rubies, Aby who shily waves her light pink hands at a Star Sapphire

I think Rubies are naturally just hard-wired to like Sapphires, which makes sense when you stop and think about it, since Sapphires are Rubies just without chromium.

And just so you know, Star Sapphire is an OC gem featured in multiple fanarts. She's another off-color Sapphire like Padparadscha but she could see further back and just told people things about themselves like a creepy fortune teller which I definitely wouldn't trust seeing what she's like.

Note : Also steven still has eye bags like he has not slept in weeks and is only surviving souly on coffee and drugs.

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