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After a long day and more specifically a long night, Jin goes back to his room. It's almost four AM. Almost time for him and his soulmate to connect. He's not sleepy at all, he never is at this hour. Every night he makes sure to be awake for this. Because in just a few minutes, he'll see Namjoon again.

Honestly, he always wanted to meet his other half. Not because he was the most romantic boy in the world. Not at all. But since everyone always feared him, he wanted to find someone who for once treated him different. And all he could imagine was a soulmate just as scary as him. Just as violent and cold.

Eventually, he found who he thought was gonna be the one. Min Suga. A cold blooded assassin that couldn't care less about feelings or kindness. Jin didn't fall in love with him. But he definitely wanted him by his side. For the first time he felt someone talked to him without avoiding his eyes. Suga was not scared of him. He was fucking crazy but...well, nobody is perfect!

They became friends almost instantly. And not long after, they became lovers as well. Eventually, Suga faced the fact that he had no soulmate at all. And Jin wondered if he was gonna be the same way. But no. The universe had other plans for him.

One night, in the middle of September, the two friends were having a good time in Jin's room. It was probably before Yoongi started sleeping with someone else in the house. That night. At four AM exactly. Jin's eyes started to burn. It hurt but he was strong enough to take it. Yoongi, under him, didn't even pay attention to what was going on. And seconds later, it happened.

He doesn't know why, but he knew exactly what was going on. His soulmate could see through his eyes. His other half was now seeing Yoongi's face. And he saw him for a whole minute. Not long after, the roles changed. And Jin could see what his soulmate was seeing.

That's how he met a young boy with crying eyes that was staring at himself in the mirror. He was wearing pajamas with koalas. He looked like the most innocent person in the world. And Jin hated it. That wasn't who he was expecting. He looked like the most normal human being on earth. For the first time, he believed the universe was wrong.

The following night, Jin stayed awake again. This time, Yoongi was somewhere else. And as soon as the time came, he closed his eyes. His soulmate couldn't see anything. And he hoped he would understand the message. He hoped the other boy would never show him anything ever again. But a minute later, he was disappointed to see it happened otherwise.

He could see him sitting in front of the mirror. Again with those stupid pajamas. The boy pulled out a note and showed it to him. Since he could see but not hear, that was the only way he could communicate for now. It was written in a very pretty calligraphy. And Jin couldn't help to read it.

I'm sorry about last night. It's okay if you have a boyfriend.

The minute ended and he saw nothing else. Jin was satisfied. That was it. His soulmate was gonna move on from him. At the same time, he could've had a life without his other half, as long as Yoongi would've stayed by his side. But not even one part of his plan happened. Specially because his soulmate did not give up...

Night after night, even though Jin showed him nothing with his closed eyes, the other boy kept showing him messages.

Look! This is my favorite park! It's kind of scary being here at this hour...

Hi! What's your name? You can always find me as Kim Namjoon!

This is my new workplace! It's a flower shop! Do you like flowers?

And that's how we come back to the current night. Jin closes his eyes for a whole minute. Knowing full well his soulmate can't see shit. And then comes the part he doesn't want to admit he enjoys. He can see Namjoon's hands writing him a note and then showing him his tv.

Look! Kookie said I should see this! We can watch it together! I'll press play in five minutes!

Jin reads the title. "Vicenzo", a drama about a mafia? Really? And who the fuck is Kookie? If Namjoon's dating someone else he's gonna kill him. Not because he cares! Just... it's a uhmm...pride thing. Yeah, that's why.

Once more, he can see his own room. And without thinking about it, he turns on his tv and looks for the show. He waits a few minutes and presses play. Still, he'll try to convince himself this is just because he can't sleep. Just because that show seems interesting.

- I can't believe you keep showing me things. I haven't answered you in years...

Jin refuses to show anything about his life to Namjoon. He would only end up scaring him. And it's obvious they would hate each other if they met. Because he would never date someone like him. A boy who loves peace and nature. No way. That will never. Ever. Ever. Happen.

Next Chapter

He haven't kissed me in over 48 hours and I'm going crazy!

Right now, I rather be dead than talking to you, Park


Hello~ a few hour later but here we are. I'm really sleepy so I don't know if I made many grammar mistakes hahaha I'll fix it later

This couple are polar opposites but I adore them. Next one we'll see Jimin! So I hope you're ready

Happy birthday Lil meow meow, you deserve the world and a thousand Grammys

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Happy birthday Lil meow meow, you deserve the world and a thousand Grammys. I'll never get over him with this skirt😍

- Baby Y

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