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Yoongi turns off the engine of his car. He can perfectly see Hanseo's mansion from where he is. Staring at the amount of guards surrounding the place he doesn't even try to think if this is a good idea. The answer is clear and he doesn't want to spend the last night of his life regretting everything. Aware that this is his last moment to relax he lights a cigarette and stares at his hand. More specifically, his eyes stop at his ring. He can't help to let out a small smile thinking about his fiancee. Of course the memory of Jimin throwing his ring away doesn't make him very happy but he's sure the boy will look for it again. If there's one person in this world that knows the type of things his unpredictable boyfriend would do, that's Min Yoongi.

The car's door on the passenger side opens and he turns to finally see his friend sit by his side. Jin looks stressed but puts that feeling away as soon as he gets comfortable. This is not the time to be tense. If anything it's the last minutes he has to relax.

- Finally, bro. I thought I was gonna have to do this alone

- It's not my fault you parked here. You know how hard it was to get to your stupid car?

- Well, we can't let them see us, can we?

- So...This was the motherfucker chasing you and your princess?

The word "your" makes Yoongi feel proud. For some reason seeing how Jin accepted their relationship makes him enjoy spending this horrible time with him.

- This is the one.

- And we're gonna try to kill him?

- Yup.

- Aaand we'll die trying because they are a hundred and we're two?

- Yup.

- Perfect.

- I didn't think you were coming for real. Things didn't work out with the hippie?

- Nope.

- Sorry. I really thought you two looked good together. Clearly this whole soulmate stuff is all bullshit

- I'm with you on that one. I mean, look at you. Princess loves you and you don't even have a soul.

- Are you sure he still loves me after what I put him through last time?

- Are you shitting me? He's obsessed with you, Yoongi. If he finds out about this he'll join our suicide mission

- Yeah... he's that stupid.

There's a nostalgic tone in his words. For a while they stay there. They're not waiting for anything in particular. Just gathering the last bit of courage and enjoying their company. Jin pulls out a small bottle with alcohol and they take a drink each. It's almost time to go and they can't postpone it much longer.

- You do know you'll die in his name right? He should be in this mess, not you

- His problems are my problems. That's how marriage works.

- You're barely engaged Yoongi. And don't act like a grown up now. It doesn't fit you

- Sorry I'm too mature for you

- Ugh, I can't believe I'm dying for your ass. I guess your problems are mines as well and we're not even dating.

- Awww now that I think about it, I haven't seen someone die for me before you! This is so sweet of you Jinnie~

- Oh, shut up. - They stay quiet for a minute - Do you think we would've been a good couple?

- Jin, you wouldn't let me aim a gun at you. We weren't meant to last

- That's because doing that is psychotic. Who in their right mind wants to be hurt so bad during... don't answer that question. I get an idea of why you chose him.

- See? This is why I said you and that vainilla hippie would make a good couple. Did you at least have a good night with him?

- For your information it was more than that. He was caring and sweet and...a little clumsy but...I loved it. I loved him I guess...

Jin stops himself after whispering those last words. He doesn't want to cry here. Not with Yoongi by his side. He'll laugh. Or that's what he thinks. Because when he turns to him he can see him swallow hard and stare at his ring. He sighs and looks up opening his eyes wide trying for them to dry so no tear will fall. Yoongi notices and says nothing about it. Instead he prepares the keys ready to start their last mission.

- Hey Jin...if you somehow survive...

- If you ask me to name my son after you it's not gonna happen.

- It's not that, Hobi already promised to do that for me. You just...Tell Namjoon he's missing on having the best soulmate this world could've given him.

- Oh...Okay, then if you survive tell the princess I hate him.

- I'm pretty sure he knows

- And also...ask him to stop getting you in so much trouble...

They take a deep breath and look forward. No seatbelts on and guns near their hands.

- Ready to die and be tortured? Not in that order

Jin chuckles and nods. Not a second later Yoongi starts the car and speeds towards the mansion. Most guards move aside in time allowing them to crash against the fence and get in enemy territory. No more words are said between them. They simple pull out their guns and start the shooting making their way in. They enter the mansion knowing they won't come out...

Next Chapter

Sorry, I wanted to know how that felt at least once...

My brother is here too?! Why?!


Hi babes~ This is my favorite chapter even if nothing happens and there's no reason why. But the mission is officially on! Next one has our Taekook couple joining this mess so be ready for that!

By the way, one of the things they say in this chapter will be important ahead in the story. We're only 8/9 chapters away from the ending! That's crazy!

I'll see you soon~ hopefully on Thursday! Take care 💜❤️

- Baby Y

Soulmates and Bullets - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now