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Namjoon makes sure everything looks perfect. He never took this much care of himself and his house for a visit. One would expect he's excited to meet his soulmate. That's what he tells himself. But truth is he chose to get Seokjin's favorite food and he's the only one in his mind. Even the plants decorating the place around him were changed so he could put a few cactus that remind him of his friend. No matter how hard he tries to convince himself that he's nervous to meet his other half, deep inside he knows the truth.

When they knock on his door, he takes a deep breath and checks himself in the mirror. He wants to look more manly. Jin seems to have a type for those kind of men who look more tough. As he opens the door, he can't help to be surprised. The girl in front of him looks familiar and in a matter of seconds he can finally realize where he met her. It's the girl he saved! She still limps a little from her leg. After all, she was badly hurt not that long ago.

- Hi... I'm Moonbyul. Do you remember me?

- Of course I do! My god, you look so much healthier than last time! I'm so happy to see you like this!

She can't help to smile at that. The plan is on and it's up to a great start. But soon, Namjoon's eyes travel to the person next to her and his smile grows wider letting his dimples show. Jin looks stunning as always and Namjoon can't help to say it out loud. While Moonbyul is a little shocked by the obvious attraction his fake soulmate has for Jin, his partner in crime pretends like nothing happened.

- You're supposed to invite us in, Namjoon.

- Oh, of course! Please, get comfortable!

- Wow, you house is so beautiful!

- Thanks! Did you see the cactus, Jin? Some have flowers already! You can take one if you want

- Maybe you should offer one to your soulmate as well, don't you think?

Despite secretly wanting to tell Moonbyul to leave them alone, Jin tries to bring Namjoon back to the real world. It's not just them there and it'll never be that way. His dry tone alerts Namjoon who already suspected something was going on. And instead of focusing on the person he was supposedly looking for all this years, he tries to make thing better with his real soulmate. He's not sure why Jin looks this serious but he'll try his best to make him smile.

Either way, during dinner the fake story they prepared is heard by Namjoon. Using the situation she was in as an excuse as to why she wouldn't open her eyes during their connection. And making sure to have perfectly thought excuses for the only two times that happened, Namjoon buys it. Jin makes sure to keep it all under control guiding the conversation for them to know each other better. But every few minutes he finds himself on the spot again. It's like if Namjoon couldn't keep his eyes off him and it's starting to make him nervous.

After dinner, the oldest decides it's time to leave and let the other two have the rest of the night for themselves. However that might not be as easy as it should. He can't even begin to put his coat on when Namjoon asks him to have a private talk. Wanting this to end as soon as possible, he lets his soulmate drag him upstairs to his room where they can chat without Moonbyul hearing them.

- You know, for someone that wouldn't shut up about the universe and his soulmate the first time we met, you sure have a hard time looking interested in her

- I was wrong

- Uh? No, I'm one hundred per cent sure she's your soulmate Namjoon. You'll see how many things you have in common and-

- It doesn't matter if she's the right one. Sure, she's incredible, beautiful, perfect, lovely but... she's not you, Jin

Without giving him the time to be confused, he gets closer and kisses him. He missed Jin's lips more than he wants to admit. To think this is a mistake no longer has sense to him. It feels too perfect. The universe really did get it wrong this time. Because he's sure he belongs by his side and nowhere else. When he pulls away, Jin's wide open eyes are staring straight at him

- What...the fuck...was that...

- Jin, I love-

- No! You're crazy. You lost your mind completely. Your soulmate is downstairs! The one you-

- I know. I know what I said about her. But...I think Suga was right. The universe makes mistakes! I can feel it and I know you can too. That rush that runs through our bodies whenever we're near each other. The way your simple laugh makes my heart skip a beat. The fact that no matter how much I try I can never get you out of my mind. For me that means something. Don't you agree?

Through his words, he gets close again and holds him close by the waist. Jin almost forgot how well this felt. For someone who's usually treated as a cold leader it feels weirdly comfortable to have someone hold him with so much care and affection. The normal life he dreamed about several times might be in front of him and something tells him he should give himself a chance but...he wants to be honest. He needs to be honest.

- Thank you...for choosing me

- I had no choice, you kinda stole my heart hahaha

- Namjoon... I'm not an undercover cop. Not even close.

- ....Well, that was a random thing to say

- I'm being serious

- O...kay? You don't have to be one for me to love you, Jin. It's a little confusing but...whatever your work is, it's fine!

- I'm the leader of the Kim mafia. My father was a known criminal. I'm sure you heard of him. Kim Heechul? Well, his business is mine now. And... it's exactly what you expect it to be

Those are the kind of words no one in his right mind would believe. But his serious tone makes Namjoon think back on some of the things they've been through. The way he saw him covered in other's blood. How the people in that mansion look like everything but cops. It all starts to make sense in his head. And with it, an uncontrollable panic starts to take over him. The man he just confessed to is not only a criminal. He's probably a murderer, a drug dealer, or who knows what else. None of the options sound good for him at all. He can't avoid to pull away and take a step back. Jin says nothing for a few minutes. He wonders what's the next step but soon he'll get the answer.

- Get out...

- Hmm? Namjoon I know it's a lot to take in, but I'm actual-

- Out. P-Please... don't come back here. And don't get Kookie involved in your family... Don't get near us again...

Despite trying to act tough, his voice shakes. Jin doesn't make fun of it and simply follows his words. He shouldn't be surprised. It's the scenario that played in his head a million times since he knew who the universe paired him with. But it's easier to imagine it than to go through it in real life. A part of him wants to explain it all but truth is he doesn't even have arguments to defend himself. Namjoon is right in being scared and wanting him away. Downstairs, he makes a signal for Moonbyul to go upstairs and comfort him. If they needed a little help for the plan to work then this was perfect. Two people who actually deserve to be loved will be together and Jin...he has other things to do.

His phone rings as soon as he leaves the house. It's late at night and the number on the screen makes him know this is it.

- Send me your location. I'll be there soon, Yoongi

He hangs up after a short answer from his friend. He's not gonna leave him alone a second time. Besides, he has nothing else to lose now...

Next Chapter

Things didn't work out with the hippie?

His problems are my problems. That's how marriage works.


Hi babes~ I told you Namjin still had to suffer a little more. Honestly I would also panic the fuck out if my boyfriend was a mafia leader. But at the same time...poor Jin 🥺

Next chapter is one of my favorites. Not because a lot happens it's just...I love the two bros in that one. I think I'll have it ready pretty soon so you can wait for it!

I hope you had a beautiful day/night! Keep hydrated and make sure to eat something! Love you~💖

- Baby Y

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