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Taehyung and his soulmates walk side by side. Jimin wants to make him and Jungkook get along, but Tae refuses to even try. He only needs to keep Jimin close to him. But that's not so easy. As soon as they enter, Jimin is the first one to go his separate way. He knows Tae will be okay and his priority is to find his future husband.

When the cameras go off, Jimin walks downstairs to the basement. Just like they expected, the torture rooms are there. One by one, Jimin enters looking for Suga but finds nothing. Only some prisoners and guards he manages to avoid. In one of the rooms, he finds a poor man who looks more dead than alive. There's too much blood on his face, he's barely recognizable.

- P-Please...k-kill me...

- Damn, if you ask me like that I can't say no

He shoots him and keeps walking. If there's one thing that Yoongi taught him is to never ignore a person's last wish. Something he never did ever since he met him. The rest of the rooms are empty. But at the end of the hallway he finds a different looking one. There's desk and on top of it, a computer.

- Hyunjin, you copy me? I need to access a computer it has a password and I don't know shit about his things

- Hold me a second

It doesn't take much for the hacker to help him. Jimin doesn't have much time to looks through it but he finds a folder that looks interesting. He clicks on it only to find dozens of pictures of Suga. Many of them recent. At their cabin, in their last robbery, there's even one of them having sex. This last one taken near their window.

- Damn, I look good from that angle...

- Park?

- What? I'm busy

- There's a problem, the cameras will be back on for bit

- Fucking shit, Hyunjin! You're so fired after this!

- Whatever, Princess

Oh, how much he hates that stupid nickname. He holds on to his gun trying his best to calm down. After closing everything, he runs back upstairs making it on time in the last second. He's out of there...but someone saw him come out. Someone Jimin didn't feel like seeing in a million years

- Jimin?

- Hanseo! Long time no see! - He tries to sound calm - What are you doing here?

- Came to see my cousin! Can you believe I made all this for him and yet he didn't come? To his own party! Ridiculous!

- I know! I wanted to have a talk with him too... It's been too long since last time I had a word with little Changbin

- Hey, don't call him little if you wanna keep your head hahaha But tell me...what were you doing down there?

- Oh haha you know me! When they take something from me, I want it back

- I get it, I'm just like you. And like our dear Changbin! But...what did my lovely cousin take from you? I can talk to him about it!

- Don't worry, it's nothing I can't get back on my own.

- Always so mysterious...You know you can count on me for anything

The feeling of Hanseo's hand on his waist gets on his nerves. He's not used to take this things without shooting whoever touches him. And it's been too long since last time he was this close to him. He's the biggest fuckboy known to men and too powerful to be rejected without gettin in danger. But Jimin's not afraid of him even if he should.

- I'm sorry to tell you I'm back with my Tae Tae

- Hahaha He still thinks you're a loyal partner? - He pulls him closer - He's not that dumb is he?

Soulmates and Bullets - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now