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It's been a long day for Kim Seokjin. Being the boss makes him sometimes travel from one side of the city to the other to make sure everything is working correctly. But finally, the night is falling and he can go back home. There's still some blood on his black suit from the hour he spent doing some dirty work. But the best part is inside his suitcase.

There's so much money in it he can barely keep it closed. Making a great deal with the Choi family is all he needed to end his day on a perfect note. He gets in his car and throws the suitcase on the seat next to him. It's a millisecond, but he can see through the corner of his eye, there's someone in his back seat.

Keeping his calm, he turns the keys and the car starts. It's then when two hands come from the back, ready to choke him with a thin string. But Jin is not new to this. He moves away and punches back hitting someone on the nose. In a second, he gets down from the car and pointing his gun at the back door, he opens it. However, he can't bring himself to shoot, freezing completely as he recognizes the face of the boy

- Out of all the people in the world, it had to be you.

- Happy to see me?

- What the fuck are you doing in my car, Princess?

- Stop calling me that! God, it's been years! J-I-M-I-N it's not that hard!

- Seeing how I'm the one with the gun, I'm gonna call you whatever I want. Now, what the fuck are you doing here?

- If anyone has a question, that would be me, bitch. Where is my future husband?

- What? You're getting married? Who did you sleep with now? Someone in Vegas?

- Don't try me, Jin! My body only belongs to one man.

- Oh, yeah? And tell me...who would that be?

- Sug-

- Tell me his name.

The question makes Jimin bite his tongue. And Jin enjoys his frustrated expression. Very few people know Min Yoongi's full name. Jin is one of them. After all, they used to be best friends. They trusted each other with their lives. And for him, the fact that Jimin still doesn't know, only means he's not that important to Yoongi.

- Fuck you, Jin. Just give me back what's mine! I want my little cat back!

- God, why the hell did he choose you of all people?

- Jealous, sweetie?

- Me? No. But maybe my brother is. You know, the one you left behind with absolutely no explanation making him believe Suga kidnapped you.

Jimin swallows hard. Of course he remembers Tae. He thinks about him everyday. He adores him. He always did. But his love for Yoongi drove him completely crazy. He became mentally unstable. And the only one that can put a limit on him is Min Suga. Even now, Jimin could kill absolutely everyone in the world, just to see him again.

- I know Tae Tae is hurt. But that doesn't give him the right to take Suga away from me! He's mine! My fiancee! My boyfriend! And no one can kidnap him under my watch!

- Actually, Tae has the right to do whatever he...Wait. Did you just say he was kidnapped?

- Oh, don't pretend like you have nothing to do! You have him, I know it! And I want him back!

- Jimin...

Jin's tone makes Jimin panic. He knows he's looking on the wrong place. But the only person he could think of was him! No one else ever had things against Yoongi! And since his boyfriend locked him in a coffin for over an hour, he couldn't see who came to get him. Sure, maybe Yoongi did it to keep him safe. But now...he has no idea where to look for him. The tears fall from his eyes uncontrollably

- Jin...He haven't kissed me in over 48 hours and I'm going crazy!

- Clearly you already are crazy, you dumbass

- Where is he?

- How the fuck am I gonna know?! You're the one that lived with him this last few years! You tell me!

- If I don't find him I'm seriously gonna die, Jin. And if I die I'm taking everyone down with me.

His tone changes midway saying his sentence. Jin wonders if he has some kind of bipolar disorder going from a crying mess to a pissed off boy with thirst for blood. Either way, he got used to Jimin's weird way of being.

He puts the gun down and gets in the car. Even if he doesn't like having Jimin behind his back, he's not really afraid of him. After all, the nickname "princess", came from him being the weakest boy in the house. He used to be scared of heights and disgusted of blood. For Jin, Jimin is still the innocent little boy his brother brought home. It's hard for him to fear him. But that doesn't mean he likes to have him close.

- Let's go.

- You'll take me to him?!

- I'll take you to Tae. He deserves to see his soulmate even if it's been two fucking years.

- But-

- I'm sure we don't have Suga. He would've told me. If you wanna ask for anyone's help, ask your soulmate. Not me.

- Why the hell would he help me? And why would he help Suga?!

- I don't know. You figure it out. You're the one that knows how to convince people. Just act, lie, do all those shitty things you do to get what you want. But for the love of god... don't hurt my brother too much on the process

- Awww you really think I'm a good liar?

- That's what you got from what I said? - Jimin nods - Well, yes. You made me believe you hated my lover, so you can trick anyone.

Jimin's blood boils hearing those words. And Jin knows he's playing with fire but he doesn't care. If Jimin wants his help he has to behave and leave his jealousy a side. But it's easier said than done.

- You're so lucky I never killed you knowing you touched him

- Right now, I rather be dead than talking to you, Park

- HAHAHHA Now I remember why I kept you alive! You still make me laugh sometimes! - He gets closer to his ear - Now I know why he always liked you as friend.

Jin rolls his eyes. He's more annoyed with his presence than with his words. And he drives all the way back to the mansion. Both of them wondering what's gonna happen what Taehyung finally sees him again...

Next Chapter

It's time for you to meet Taehyung, don't you think?

Are you by any chance a psychotic masochist with a soft spot for assassins?


Hi! Came back from hell! With this lovely episode of the two that hate each other the most I think hahaha

On the next one we'll see some Taekook with some Hobi. Just so you know, I love Hobi here! So get ready!

I hope my week stays chill for now, so I can post again on Thursday! Soon I'll start college again. But don't worry, I'll never ever ever stop writing. See you~

- Baby Y

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