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Taehyung receives Hobi in his office. He still has thousands of things to deal with after the incident. It's not that simple to mess with Hanseo and letting him die without getting in more problems. Thankfully, the man wasn't really loved in his business so he can take advantage and become and ally with those who hated him.

- Working so early, Tae?

- The sooner I'm done with this the sooner I can go see Kook

- Ah, I heard the dumbass tried to escape the hospital last night.

- Ugh, he says he's okay already. Yeah, right.

- ...You look happy when you talk about him. It looks like his energy is contagious

- W-Whatever

- And Jin? Any news?

- Still unconscious but stable. They say he should wake up soon and the hippie is taking care of him

- Plant-lover Namjoon? Are you keeping an eye on him?

- Don't be ridiculous, he won't do shit against us

- If you say so...

- Anyway, that's not why I called you

- Any new order, boss?

- Do know how we pay for treason here?

- A bullet to the head

- And you know keeping information from your boss is treason, right?

Hoseok freezes for a second under his look. But Taehyung is more hurt than angry.

- You'll need a machine gun with me, Tae

- You won't hide it?

- I don't even regret it

- You make me want to torture you, honestly

- Oh please. What good would have come for you to know those secrets before?

- If I would've known Suga was after Ji-

- You would've killed him and maybe Jungkook wouldn't be in the picture. Not knowing gave you more time next to Jimin as friends. Even if you thought you were something else.

- Yeah W-Well....But you left with Jimin that night! You took him to a dangerous place where I...we lost him. It was your fault

- If it wasn't for me he wouldn't have made it past the door.

- It doesn't make a difference if he still couldn't make it out.

- I know, Taehyung. My best friend died that night as well. I'll remember it for the rest of my life. But if I spend my life regretting it, I know Yoongi's stupid ghost will haunt me and pull my legs when I sleep

Tae can't deny Jimin will do the same with him if he spends his life crying for him. Trying not to shed any more tears for now, Tae continues.

- You won't work for us anymore...but I'll spare your life. I lost a soulmate for your fault. But if you wouldn't have been there to help Jungkook, I would've lost both of them. You can leave now. Whatever you do out of here is no longer my business.

Hoseok nods happy to keep his head bullet-free and prepares to leave. Of course not before adding something else.

- It was fun working for you and Jin. Oh, by the way! The pretty girl friend of Namjoon is-

- Don't even think about it, Hobi. She's too good for you and I want her to work for us

- But-

- It's an order.

Soulmates and Bullets - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now