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Namjoon feels a hundred emotions go through him. Today is the day they'll rescue Suga. That means he'll finally get to ask him who his soulmate is. Of course, he can't help his anxious feeling to be tainted with worry. He doesn't know if they'll be able to get there in time. He doesn't know anything about strategy or plans. Jin made sure to keep him out of it.

- Don't worry Hyung - Jungkook pats his back - I'll bring Suga to you!

- Why can't I go? I'll stay in the van I promise!

- Jin said it's too dangerous for you

- If it's that dangerous then why are you going?! Kook are you sure you'll be okay? Maybe you could stay here and I'll go look from a far

- I have to go. My soulmate is going and I wanna see him in action!

- I see...

- Look... I'll give you something but you gotta promise me you won't tell Jin. Or he will seriously kill me.

- What's this? An address?

- Wait outside until we're done. I swear to God if you go in there you might get in real danger okay?

Namjoon can't help his excitement and hugs him tight. At night, he goes to said place and waits. The house looks really creepy from the outside. He walks around the block and following his instincts he ends up standing near the backyard of the house. There's some men there so Namjoon stays hidden at first. But apparently they rest starts the plan since those men are called to help defend the front.

That's as far as he was gonna go. Just stay there until everything is clear. But his eyes catch something. There's a tiny window at the bottom and someone seems to be looking at him from inside. But those eyes show nothing but fear and a slight ray of hope. Unable to stop himself, he walks closer and his heart clenches seeing a girl asking for help.

He has to make more effort than he would've liked but he gets to open the little window. Now, he can see it's not just one girl but several. They don't look good and his protective sense kicks immediately.

- I'll help you! Just take my hand! I'll take you out!

- If they k-know we're gone they'll go after u-us

- I'm with the police, you have nothing to worry about

His smile is so relaxing the girl in front of him can't help to trust him. One by one he lets them out. Eleven girls, all of them scared to death. But there's one more. She's too weak to get up. Since last time she tried to escape they didn't give her any food and that was a few days ago. Unable to leave anyone behind Namjoon enters himself and helps her out.

Inside he can hear gunshots, screams, Jimin asking for help. He doesn't feel brave enough to go were the people with guns are. This is the most he can do. Once they're all out, he gathers the courage to go to a different room. He doesn't want to meet anyone armed but if there's any other girl maybe he could help her as well.

The girls outside hide waiting for his now hero to come out. But Namjoon is taking his time. Most rooms seem empty. Everyone must have gone to the front to fight. He opens the last door and his eyes go wide. Surrounded by dead men, with blood on his clothes and a gun in his hand, stands Seokjin. The image itself is scary enough but it gets worst when he points at him

- Namjoon?! Are you fucking insane?! I almost shot you! What are you do-

His words stop when he sees Namjoon take a step back, scared. Looking back at himself, Jin swallows hard. This doesn't make him look like a good "cop". He tries to talk again but the other is clearly not listening

- I'll help you out, we'll find a-

- N-No...I can f-find the way out...

The stutter in his voice, the tears threatening to fall, it all makes Jin feel weird. But seeing him walk his way back to the window, Jin can finally relax. At least partly. He still has work to do and other things to focus on.

Outside, Namjoon can hardly keep his breath steady. He feels like throwing up because the smell of blood was too strong for him. He has to wait a minute for his legs to stop shaking so he can walk again. When he finally manages to pull himself together he guides the girls to one of the vans they have in the Kim family.

Everyone there is confused. They came for Suga, not for the girls. Even if they let them out they can't take them to the police or protect them from anything. But Namjoon doesn't know that. And knowing how protective Seokjin has been with him, the rest let him do what he wants. They don't want any problem with their boss.

More gunshots can be heard and with crying eyes he stares at the house. He wonders if Jin is okay. He left him there...he didn't even try to help him. But how could he? He had no idea how to protect his friend. And the thought of it was making him feel bad. He left Jin alone in that room. But...he was so scared. The older's eyes were showing no sympathy. He looked so cold. Yet, a part of him realized how much he softened his look when he noticed Namjoon there.

Not knowing what to think, he waits. Jin is the first one to come out. He looks tired and not only physically. As he enters the van and looks at the girls, Namjoon avoids his eyes.

- Everyone but the girls, out.

He waits until he can stay alone with them. The girls can tell by his manners and the gun near his waist at full display, that he's not a cop. And for a moment they panic.

- So...which of you can drive?

- I-I can Sir

- Good. You'll take this van. Go to this address I'll give you and look for a man called Lee Taemin. He's a cop. A good one. He's not corrupted. Believe me, I tried.

- Who w-was the man that saved us?

The sweet tone with which the girl mentions Namjoon makes Jin turn to her. She looks weaker than the rest but she'll be fine.

- That's not important. You ran away from that house on your own while you heard gunshots. But you never saw us. You never saw me. And you never saw the man outside. Everything else you can be honest with Taemin.

- W-Who are you?

- You make too many questions. Just do as I say. I'll never go after you and I advise you to forget my face. Which will be hard being this handsome, but try your best.

The girls nod and he hands them the keys. The one who can drive goes to the front seat and they all embrace each other hoping they can trust Seokjin's word. He's about to leave them alone when one of them, the weakest one, speaks.

- If you really are helping us and you ever need me for anything...You and that man outside can count on me.

Jin nods and finally lets them go. Outside, he stands next to Namjoon knowing a very uncomfortable ride is about to begin. And not only for them...

Next Chapter

She was my sister! You had no right!

Why the fuck didn't you take me with you?!


Hello~ sorry this had to be done yesterday but I had a tone of things to do D: But here it is!

Namjoon is a hero in my eyes. I'm sorry but love him T.T and on the next chapter we'll see Yoongi! And more of Jin too!

I'll see you soon! Hopefully really soon hahaha

- Baby Y

Soulmates and Bullets - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now