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Marathon 6/7

Taehyung can't help to smile just thinking about what's about to happen. The deals are completed. Min Suga is supposedly free of danger. And finally he'll leave the house letting him go on with his life. Through the review mirror he can see Jimin and Yoongi sharing their last moments together. For some reason only the assassin treats it like this is really the end. Jimin is not even complaining which is strange but gives Tae some hope. Maybe his soulmate finally accepted who his real boyfriend is. By Tae's side, Jin drives without saying a word. He looks uncomfortable but that's probably because he'll have to say goodbye to his old friend again.

They agreed to drop him off near the bus station and the moment they arrive Taehyung is the first one to get down. The rest follows him and they give Yoongi his bags and a one-way ticket out of the city. Jin is the first one to say goodbye hugging him for what feels like an eternity. He whispers something in his ear making Yoongi show a very faint smile. Jimin is next and hugs him for even longer... probably just to compete with Jin. Taehyung is the last one and there's nothing but a handshake. This is supposed to be the end of his misery. Though honestly... he's been feeling pretty well lately for some reason. A reason with a full name. But this is not the time to think about Jungkook.

- Before I leave, there's something I should tell you

- You'll give me back the money you took from us?

-...No. We probably spent it, sorry not sorry

- Ugh, then what is it?

Tae didn't need to hear anything else from him. He just wanted Suga to leave. And Jimin's smile by his side was making him think everything would be okay but...

- Jimin is planning to run away tonight. We were supposed to meet here at four am.

- What?! T-Tae don't believe him! I'll stay w-with you!

- He won't. He's been planning this since he asked you for help. You should keep an eye on him if you don't wanna lose him.

Taehyung would love to believe he's lying but Jimin's expression shows him otherwise. His soulmate looks so confused. And when Yoongi starts walking away, he quits his act and holds him back.

- What the fuck are you doing?!

- Let me go.

- No! Take me with you! - He starts getting desperate  - You can't just ruin everything after we-

- We had our fun already, Jiminie. Now go back to your soulmate. I don't need to keep standing your crazy impulsive ass.

With some tears leaving his eyes, Jimin clenches his teeth. Unable to keep his composure he takes off his ring and throws it away. Thinking that will piss Yoongi off and make him re-think this.

- There! You can leave! Act like you're not dying to stay with me! I won't wait for you but I know you'll come back! You always do.

He pretends to be okay with it but when Suga doesn't do anything about it, he panics. Something in the way things were going since the beginning makes Jimin think this was Yoongi's plan from the start. Leaving him behind. Running away from what they had. If it wasn't because of Jin stopping him he would've taken out his gun to shoot everyone there including himself. His life had meaning thanks to Yoongi and he was gonna abandon him. After everything they went through. After giving him all he had and more. Yoongi doesn't look back no matter how loud Jimin is cursing his name. Jin is the one that pulls the younger back in the car to go home. This time, Tae stays in the back seat with him. Jimin's anger soon turns to tears and begs to go back with his fiancee.

All his emotions are a mess and his soulmate can't do much about it. But if there's one things he knows Jimin needs, it's a hug. In his arms, Jimin breaks down. He goes from sad to angry and then back to sad every few minutes. But everything holding Tae against him. Because it's the first time he felt the need for someone to hold him. Even surrounded by people, he feels alone without Yoongi. And Taehyung stays there for him because he knows this will be his role for a while. He'll have to fill the empty space Yoongi left. Eventually, that should turn in both of them getting back together like the old days. Or at least that's what he expects. Because that way, his little Jimin will smile again. And that's all he really wants.

Back in the mansion, Jimin refuses to go to his room. His bed sheets smell like Yoongi's cologne. No. He won't be able to take it. So after two years he's finally back in Tae's room. They hug for the rest of the day. The older has to stop him a few times from running out the window looking for someone that apparently doesn't love him anymore. Really, taking care of Jimin is harder than he was expecting. How did Yoongi do to control him this years?! Finally, after several hours, he falls asleep in his arms and with tears in his eyes.

Not long after, someone knocks softly on his door. Allowing him to come in, Tae sees Jungkook enter. He's once again well dressed and looking like a dream. He knows why he's here. They were supposed to have a night out after the success of last week.

- I'm sorry, Kook. I'm exhausted after today...

- Yeah, I can see. At least he seems to be hugging you back for once.

He tries not to sound hurt. He would love to be in that position with Tae. But he tries to be positive.

- I don't know. I think that I could be a pillow and he would still hug me the same way

- It's better than nothing

- I guess...

- So...next week? You can take a rest tonight. And make sure he doesn't do anything crazy again

- That's the plan...

Tae's eyes are struggling to stay open and Jungkook can tell. The younger comes closer and gives him a soft kiss on his forehead.

- Sleep well Tae...

He doesn't need to say more. The night ends with him leaving the two original soulmates behind and reminding himself of what he'll never have...

Next Chapter

Why don't you stay with him? Most of us would die to be with a man like him

Namjoon... would you like to meet your soulmate?


Yes, I need this two to be separated again  I'm sorry. Still, even if they have cero chemistry, Tae being there for Jimin is super cute. They toxic AF but still cute. And on the next one we'll see Jin and Namjoon again~ And then we officially start the beginning of the end!

Anygays, to the important stuff: I fucking LOVED Hobi's album! I think my favorite songs are "What if..." and "More". BUT when it comes to the lyrics and Hobi's vocals I'm going with "Equal Sign" because it's beautiful. If you didn't read the lyrics to that one I encourage you because it's just the sweetest things in the fucking world. The man just wants world peace I swear. ALSO the Arson MV?! Like bro he looks so fiiiiiiine and he CURSES. I was DYING to hear him curse like that Jesus fucking Christ that gave me LIFE.

- Baby Y

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- Baby Y

P.S: Now that I think about it, Arson was also one of my fav. songs 😍

P.S2: Jimin and Jessi talked at the party and when I tell you I'm begging for a collab between those two. Like can you imagine? Jimin and Jessi? The Queen and King of sexy? I would die.

Soulmates and Bullets - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now