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A week without Yoongi. The longest time Jimin's been a part from him since they're together. Except for when Changbin took him away of course. Still, if you ask Jimin what day it is he won't be able to answer. He's not dead but this is definitely not what being alive feels like. His days and nights pass by hugging his soulmate to pretend like he's not alone. But that's a lie. He feels empty. Whoever talks to him gets no answers. It's the middle of the night when he leaves the bed. Tae is still sleeping and for once he won't wake him up. He walks downstairs following a simple impulse. He didn't drink or eat anything all day again. And his body is for once trying to survive even if he wouldn't mind to just die in this kitchen floor.

The first bite of that food has no taste. Is this what life without Yoongi feels like? So... pointless. He serves himself some water even though he's tempted to drink alcohol. And it's the exact moment when he's saving the bottle back in the fridge when he sees his fingers. A sudden panic hits him. He promised Yoongi he would never take that ring off. Once more, like he's used to do, he acts without thinking. He needs to get it back. There's no logical reason for it. But something tells him it's his way to keep the promise they made to themselves. He needs that little ray of hope. Not even trying to control himself, he walks up to the garage. But before he can run away, someone stands in his way.

- Really? Tae's bike? Can you once in your life steal someone else's vehicle? Have some mercy on my boss.

- Move, Hoseok.

- Where are you going? You're not gonna find him, Jimin. So don't play around and go back to bed

- I'm not even paying attention to what you're saying. Move or I'll just run over you

- Ugh, I really wish I could just let you go and crash somewhere.... C'mon, we'll take my car

- Excuse me?

- You can drive. But I swear if you don't take care of it I have a poison that can leave you paralytic. Let's go.

Jimin can't understand where is this coming from. Hoseok never wanted to spend more than a minute by his side and now he's joining him? Against what Jin or Tae would say? Well, he can't deny he always wanted to drive Hobi's expensive car so he just goes with it for now. The whole time they're silent. Usually Jimin wouldn't shut up but it's not like he has any energy left. When they finally get to the bus station where they left Suga just a week before, Jimin gets down. He turns on his flashlight and looks for it everywhere. He looks desperate, which makes it a little more entertaining for his partner.

For Hobi that place brings him some old memories. He sighs remembering that time when he met Yoongi after a year of him leaving. What a joy and what a pain in the ass that was.

A few months ago...

When they saw each other, Hoseok had the impulse to hug him. But since they were always so cold he decided against it. Instead he just punched Yoongi's shoulder lightly as a greeting and they started talking and catching up. They both made sure no one followed them. The last thing they needed was for the Kim brothers to find the assassin. Or worse, for Jimin to know Yoongi was out with another man. That boy always had the most pointless jealousy moments.

- Oh! I got you what you asked me!

- Hmm?

- You said that as soon as my perfect poison was ready I should make them and here they are! Will you use it for some kind of torture?

- Not exactly...So, which is which?

- Oh, well the one on the left is harmless. It has everything you asked for. Hyunjin helped me with that one. But the one on the right? Oh, that's one hundred per cent Jung Hoseok's work!

- Thanks, Hobi. These are perfect. - He got up to leave - I'll probably wait before using them. So you have some time before buying a suit.

At that moment, Hobi had no idea what he meant. But when he saw Jimin wearing one of them he realized what was going on. Really, his friend had a very weird idea of what a romantic proposal is like.


Jimin got back in the car probably half hour later. Hobi was starting to fall asleep bored to death. When he saw the ring he was bringing he couldn't help to roll his eyes. But things took a turn when Jimin put it on. Just like the first time, he felt that sting hurt him where the ring touched him.

- Ouch! Shit, forgot about that

- It hurt?! - Hoseok panics - Why are you wearing that?! Your ring was the one on the left! Are you fucking dislexic?!

-...How did you know Suga gave me the one on the left? And how did you know I took the other one?!

- Jimin, take that off

- No! It's my ring! I earned it! I made him love me, I deserve it!

- Just take it off! Stop being so bratty and do it!

- Why?!

- Because I promised Suga I wouldn't let you die! Now take that o-

The cold metal of the gun against his forhead makes him stop. Jimin really is fast with it. In just a second he has him in the palm of his hand.

- Hoseok. Talk.

- I d-

- Talk or I'll shoot you.

-...I made those fucking rings, Jimin. They're special.

- I know. He told me. It measures our heartbeat right? If one of us dies, the stone changes color bla bla bla

- Yeah, that's what happens to yours. Well, the one that should be yours. You took Yoongi's ring.

- What's the fucking difference?

-...The way things are now, if you die his stone will change color. But if he dies...then so do you. The ring you're wearing has the most powerful poison I ever invented. One drop it's all it has inside and it's all it takes to kill you in under three seconds. Now you see why you need to take it off?

- He...He was planning to use a ring that would kill him if I die...He loves me!

- What the fuck is wrong with you?!

Jimin's smile was so big he couldn't keep his eyes open. Every single part of his sadness washed away hearing it. The love of his life was lying when he left him behind. They definitely can be together! He just has to find him again! His heartbeat was going crazy with joy when..

- Wait...why do you want me to take it off?

- I told you, I promised him I would protect you. Honestly, any other mission would be better if I had to choose.

- Why would I be in danger wearing it? Hoseok...is Suga in a deadly situation?

- W-Well...

Yes. His plan is suicidal and it's probably about to start any minute now. He had a week to prepare it and make sure the rest would get their guards down. And Jimin doesn't take the ring off because he will not let his fiancee die tonight. Not away from him. They promised. Together forever. Till the last breath...

Next Chapter

I wish I was lucky enough to have someone like him...

For once, can you ignore Jimin and listen to me?!


Jimin and Hobi make a nice team. I wish they had more chapters together. Well, they do appear together on the next one! But they're not the focus. It's Jungkook's turn to have some attention!

Honestly, I low-key love those rings. It's such Yoonmin thing to have in this fanfic where they're pretty crazy. And I had to check back on the first chapters to see what did I say about them so I don't fuck it up hahaha

I'll see you soon for some Taekook! All happening on the same night 😈

- Baby Y

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