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Some years ago, Namjoon was ready to give up. No matter what he showed his soulmate, all he got back was darkness. Except for that first time in which the only thing he could see was Suga's face, there was no hints about who his soulmate was. Tired, he decided to forget about it. He took Jin's example and closed his eyes every night.

After a few days of doing so, he went to his rooftop to look at the stars. He loved doing that. But that night all he could do was cry, thinking he was gonna die alone. However, for the second and last time in his life so far, he saw something else when the time came. His soulmate showed him the palm of his hand where the words "u ok?" were written. In the background, Namjoon could see the stars.

That's when he realized both of them were looking at the same sky. No matter how far they could be, they were gonna meet. And for him, it was a signal not to give up. When it was his turn to show his soulmate something all he did was look up and make a heart with his fingers in front of his eyes.

- It's written in the stars... we're meant to be

The story was a little different on Jin's side. He knew him and Namjoon were never gonna be together. By then he was aware he was gonna be the next leader of his family's mafia. And being with a hippie boy that loved nature was not in his plans. But after days of knowing nothing about Namjoon he couldn't help to get worried.

He was getting used to those seconds of calm in his life. Those moments where instead of seeing drugs or guns he would read the poems his soulmate would write for him. Unable to stop his curiosity to know if maybe his other half was in danger, he tried to communicate. Not knowing what that provoked in the other.

Currently, him and Hyunjin track all of Changbin's properties. They've been doing that for a few hours now. The door opens and Namjoon enters holding three cups of coffee.

- Jin hyung! Hyunjin! Here, take this!

- Uh...thanks?

- Actually Hobi made it but I thought I could share it with you!

Almost immediately both men spit the coffee making sure not to swallow a single drop. Jin even goes as far as taking Namjoon's coffee and throwing it in the trash.

- W-What's the problem?

- Don't drink anything Hoseok gives you, Namjoon. Ever.

Truth is, everyone in that house knows almost everything Hoseok makes is poisonous or even deadly. The man loves playing with those things and probably saw Namjoon as an easy target.

- Why not?

- Just don't. I'll talk to him later.

Hyunjin is amazed to see his boss taking care of someone else so much. Specially a stranger!

- Can I ask you something, Namjoon?

- Hyunjin, leave him alo-

- Why are you helping us?

- Oh, so I can find my soulmate!

- And who's that? Don't tell me is Suga?!

- No, no, no! It's...I don't know. But I'm sure he's amazing and very handsome!

- You're not wrong, I am...

- Hm?

- Nothing. Go get us a coffee. One that's not made by crazy Hobi, please.

Namjoon obeys with a smile. He wants to get closer with Jin. There's not a real reason. He just feels like there's something in him that makes him want to know him better. Like an energy that's keeping him interested. Namjoon is sure it's because Jin will lead him to his soulmate. And he can't wait for that to happen!

Minutes later he returns with a burned coffee that makes Hyunjin cough disgusted. Losing his patience, Jin goes to get one himself. And behind him, Namjoon looks at him prepare it.

- Wow, this is so good, Jin!

- It's coffee not science. Yours tasted like coal

- It's not my thing hahaha

- I can tell

- Can you cook?

- Of course I can. I wanted to be a Chef when I was young but eventually I chose to follow my parent's steps.

- You can still change careers if you ever feel like it! It's never late. Besides it's an honorable job! Even if it's nothing like being a cop hahaha

- A what? Oh, right...- He remembers Jungkook's lie - Still, I enjoy this job. I have money and people fear me. That's all I need

- Fear? Why?

- Uh... because I carry a gun...I guess

- Oh...well, be careful with that. A good cop shouldn't use it unless it's necessary!

- True...they shouldn't

Without realizing Jin didn't include himself in that sentence, Namjoon kept the conversation going. He asks more questions about his favorite foods and what would he put on the menu of his restaurant if he had one. What started as a break to get coffee took more time than he expected. It takes him hours to realize avoiding Namjoon was harder than he expected.

When he finally notices he left Hyunjin on his own for so long, he walks back to the room leaving Namjoon behind. He'll try to forget about how good it feels to have a normal talk with someone. But it might not be that easy.

Namjoon on the other side is happy feeling like he connected a little more with his new friend. A voice makes him turn around and smile widely.

- Hobi Hyung!

- Did you like my coffee? Is your stomach hurting like it was on fire?

- Uh? Oh, I didn't get to taste it. Jin wouldn't let me hahaha

- Jin?! Really, he's been so weird lately...

- Today he told me people fear him...that's not true is it?

- Hmm...We don't. We respect him! But if he was our enemy then we should be afraid

- Right. He likes fighting for justice!

- Uh...yeah, sure

- That's why he wants to find Suga! Actually, about him...did he have an ex?

- Meh, he slept with many people. Some of them very powerful

- The president?!

No, Seokjin. But of course he won't tell him that. His boss has been acting weird enough this days for him to expose his secrets like that.

- But then he left with Park

- Aww he found someone to be with! Anyone can find love! Even Jin!

- Eh? Jin is not looking for that

- W-Why not?

- Because who the fuck would date him if it's not out of convenience?

- He's handsome and nice and has the prettiest voice I've ever heard!

- O...kay? I'll pretend like you don't have a crush on my boss and I'll go back to work then

Namjoon's cheeks glow red. He does not have a crush on him! They're just friends. And that's all he wants from him. Nothing else! Because his heart belongs only to his soulmate...

Next Chapter

You have nothing to offer. Not when your soul belongs to someone else

I never thought you could go this far, Princess


I feel like I've been gone from this story forever. It's been a week 😂 And next chapter we'll have more crazy Yoonmin! Yeeey!

I hope you liked this one! Namjoon is a little oblivious but he's so cute I can't not love him hahaha

- Baby Y

Soulmates and Bullets - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now