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Marathon 3/7

After their date in that amusement park, the two boys are already planning a second day out. It might be too soon but with Taehyung needing time to relax and the fact that Jimin hardly ever comes close to him this looks like a good plan. Every few hours one of them comes up with a new idea of where to go and instead of choosing just one they keep making more and more plans for not-dates.

- I say we should start with that movie! It'll premiere next week! We have to be there! And buy a lot of popcorn

- We can still go the week after! But the weather's gonna be lovely this weekend! We should go to the Han river first! I'll ask Jin to prepare something to eat

- I can cook too, you know? Oh! Or we can go to this new restaurant that just opened near there!

Each sentence being said makes the rest of the people around them stare at them with a smile. It's been so long since they've seen Taehyung so genuinely happy. And even in this business they want the best for him. Sure, they care about Jin as well but... Tae's always been the youngest one there. The one that changed his personality completely when Jimin was gone. Like the light in his life disappeared and only darkness remained. But now it looks like everything is falling back into place and hopefully no one will break that a part. At least that's what they wish for when someone else walks down the stairs.

Min Yoongi just like his stolen boyfriend are not really welcomed in the mansion. Of course Jimin is the one most of them hate but Yoongi doesn't fall far behind. Most people remember him as a sadistic assassin with no feelings. And he's the one that took Tae's smile away. Or at least that was the official version for the longest time. Now, Yoongi stares at the two soulmates and immediately interrupts them. He can't believe Taehyung can get over Jimin that easily. It's ridiculous. Who can get that boy out of their head? If it's impossible to him then Tae should be struggling with that twice as hard.

- Taehyung, I need to talk to you

- I'm busy, Min. Go enjoy your last days with Jiminie before I can finally kick you out

- That's what we have to talk about.

A frown appears on Tae's face. The deals are almost done. Soon enough Suga will have to leave the mansion and Jimin will be his again. Yeah, lately he hasn't been thinking about it that much. But whenever the subject comes up he remembers what his mission and destiny is. Jungkook wants to join the conversation but Tae won't give him the chance. From the looks of it, it's something important and private. Yoongi's plan is already in action and he needs Taehyung to play an important part in it.

Half hour later, they come out of the room. Yoongi walks away not giving the slightest attention to anyone else there. He simply wants to go back to Jimin for now. If Hoseok's information is correct the day is near. Behind him, Tae walks out with a smile. A weird looking one. Nostalgic almost.

- Everything cool?

- Yeah! Everything's great!

- Well, you sound excited. Is he leaving tonight or what?

There's a bad feeling in this for Jungkook. Suga leaving means Jimin will either be closer to Tae or he'll try to run away breaking his heart. Either way, things can't go the right way or at least that's his first impression.

- Not that fast, sadly. But close enough! If his math is correct and we manage to close the deals he'll be out by the end of the week! He'll leave and never come back!

- And...you believe him?

- Jungkook, Suga is a son of a bitch. But he knows how to convince me. We'll make sure he never sets foot in this place again

- That's... that's great! - He pets Tae's hair softly - You'll feel better without him in the house right? That's all that matters

- Y-Yeah! And I was thinking...would you mind if we invite Jiminie to our next day out?

- What?! W-Why would he...

- I mean he really likes you! He always mentions you're a great guy!

That's true. He actually likes Kook but the reason is not clear for Tae. Honestly, Jimin simply thinks he's a perfect soulmate to replace him. And even if he's willing to leave him behind to escape with Yoongi...he still cares about Tae. He still wants him to be happy. It's no longer his priority but it's still important. And Jungkook looks like the perfect person to make that happen. Hell, everyone in that house thinks the same way!

- I guess he could come...but does he have to?

- Kook... he's my soulmate and my boyfriend

- You sure about that?

- Of course. - He sounds more serious than before - And I won't let him go again. You'll see it'll be fun! Don't worry! I won't let you aside for him or anything! We can all have fun!

- I suppose so...

Jungkook is aware that Jimin being there means no kissing Taehyung, no hugging him or flirting. He'll have a more friendly role. But there's no way out of it. He has to accept the truth. Starting next Saturday, Yoongi will leave the house and Jimin will come back to being in first place for Tae. Knowing this is what his soulmate wants, Jungkook tries to convince himself it's okay. After all, he's in no place to fight for something he'll never have...

Next Chapter

And I promise I will never make that mistake again

I need you to track someone down for me


Yes, we really are that close to Yoongi leaving. But a few more things have to happen first. Tomorrow we'll actually see more Namjin! You ready for a little bit of a whipped Jin?

I just realized this chapter is super short. But it's still necessary so I had to include it. I'll promise tomorrow you'll get a longer one!

- Baby Y

Soulmates and Bullets - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now