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1/2 double update today!

Yoongi kicks the little trash can in his room unable to control his anger. He wants to shoot something right now. Anything. Because frustration is getting the best of him. Just a few minutes ago he found out where Crazy Changbin is. After he almost kills him trying to protect Jimin, the man ended up in a comma. He's not waking up. Which means he can't talk. He can't tell him who's behind all this. At least not for now. He's gonna have to wait. But how long? A week? A month? A year? He hates the idea of spending so much time without having the answers he needs.

In the same room, Jimin can't take his eyes off him. He looks so hot when he's angry! With a smile on his face, he walks up to his future husband and places his hands on Yoongi's shoulders. Trying to help him relax, he talks in a soft tone, near his ear.

- Hey, don't worry love. It's done. He'll die in that hospital and everything will be okay

- Yeah sure, he'll talk to his men telepathically and tell them not to hunt us down anymore

- Suga love, I told you before...Tae will fix it! The meeting is today, he'll make sure everything will come out as planned. He promised me

- I still don't know what makes you think he'll try to help me. He's your soulmate, Jimin. And he hates me

- That was before! He used to think you kidnapped me!

- Well, now he thinks I left, stole from everyone and asked you to come with me.

- So?

- Why don't you tell him what really happened that night?

- What's the point? There's no difference between me following you and you following me! Same thing! At the end we left together and that's all that matters! And we'll do that again when this is all over~

Those words don't help Yoongi calm down. His fiancee is not aware of the danger they're in. But he doesn't want to get him more involved than he already is. They share a few more hours together before Taehyung comes looking for them. The rest is here for the meeting and Suga wants to be there this time.

Jimin doesn't even try to hold his laughter seeing the faces of the people in the room when they see Suga come in. For two years, they were convinced Tae and Jin hated Suga as much as them. The Kim brothers actually tried their best to let them know they had nothing to do with the big robbery that happened that night. And now, things changed. New deals, new reactions from the different families. No one really wanting to have anything to do with the assassin.

At least this time the two brothers weren't alone. Jimin knew a lot about how to handle crazy people like the ones sitting around that table. He learned a lot from Tae's father when he was still alive. If it wasn't for Suga, he was gonna end up marrying his soulmate and taking care of the family together with him. But of course it's not that easy to convince all this people of letting this go. Some of them aren't even there and just sent someone else to represent them.

The good things is, both Jin and Tae made sure this was a more relaxed meeting than last time. Probably because this time none of them had to lose money. And the amount of drugs and drinks on the table was enough to keep them open for dialogue. And it took several hours, but the agreements were on the right track. After a few hours they agree they can have some fun leaving business behind. Jimin would love to enjoy that time with Yoongi while Tae is distracted making sure everyone feels comfortable. But he can only feel annoyed seeing who's near his future husband.

Hoseok hides his smile when he sees Jimin walk up to them. And without wanting to talk to him, he simply hands Yoongi something and then leaves them behind. As always, Jimin's curiosity gets the best of him

- What did he give you? Is it poison? Is it the one he's been talking about for years?

- Nah, he got that one ready a few months ago.

- Then what is it?

-...Wanna try it later?

The fear of knowing it could be something dangerous gets him excited. He loves playing with those things. And they could relax for a little bit. Now that Jimin thinks things will be okay he wants to have some fun with Yoongi. On the other hand, the assassin stares at the liquid Hobi gave him. He can save most of it for when Changbin wakes up and use some with Jimin tonight. They agree to meet at the rooftop in a few minutes. Jimin's fear of heights stopped being a problem long ago anyways. The younger is the first one to get there.

Just a few minutes later he sees Yoongi walk his way. He seems so serious. It's obvious there's something on his mind that he can't stop thinking about. But Jimin wants to help him forget about his problems. As soon as they meet, he hugs him and whispers in his ear

- I wanna be the only one in your mind, love. Don't make me jealous and focus on me

- That's what I'm doing

- Suga, I know you-

His words stop, seeing Yoongi take out a needle already filled with a transparent liquid. Knowing what's coming, he shows Yoongi his neck when he asks him to. And the feeling of that substance entering his body hurts in the best of ways.

- Now, we just have to wait for a minute

And what better way to kill the time than kissing Jimin like there's no tomorrow. His hands travel around the boy's legs and lift him up letting his back touch the wall. Jimin wants to take his man's clothes off but apparently he's not allowed. It's just the feeling of getting kissed and touched taking over him. Yoongi's tongue tastes like whiskey and every now and then he feels him bite his lip almost making him bleed. Hiding his face in the crook of Jimin's neck, Yoongi knows the time is now.

- How do you feel?

- Horny as fuck

- No surprises there, sweetie. Tell me, do you know what I just gave you?

- No, please tell me...but don't stop touching me

Yoongi chuckles and starts leaving hickeys on his neck. The darker the better. Taehyung will see them later and he couldn't care less.

- That's a truth serum. You can't lie to me now, Jiminie

- R-Really?

Jimin gets hard just thinking about the kind of questions Yoongi can ask him now. He can be as explicit as he wants and Jimin loves that. But for some reason that's not what happens. Yoongi has something on his head that he can't ignore. He hugs Jimin avoiding him to see the sincerity in his eyes when he lets his curiosity loose.

- Do you love Taehyung?

- No... Suga, you should know that by now...

- Who do you love?

- You. Min Suga.

- How much?

- W-Why do you-

- How much, Jimin?

- More than anyone in this world. I love you so much I would die for you. I literally would...

- You would be the stupidest boy I've ever met

- If that makes me stupid then I am.

-...I hate you

He has to whisper the words. Because other way he wouldn't be able to keep his voice from cracking. Jimin wants to complain. To honestly tell him how confused he is with the way he's acting lately. But he can't. Not when Yoongi's lips touch his again. This time, the kiss is not as hungry as the last one. But it's still deep and for some reason, the amount of feelings caught in it feel surreal to Jimin. But he still enjoys it. Because he's sure Yoongi is simply trying to make him happy. And there's nothing wrong going on...

Next Chapter

Talking of good soulmates...there comes the opposite

You're right, he won't even notice I'm gone...

Soulmates and Bullets - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now