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Jin signs the paper in front of him. Part of his job is to make new deals with people from other countries. Some of them know him since he was a kid so they talk to him in a friendly way. They actually do care about the Kim brothers. As long as they don't ruin any business. But that never happened so far.

- I think that should be it. How's Little Tae?

- He's fine. Kind of in the middle of a love triangle. You know, he's still young

- So are you! Have you met anyone lately?

- I'm too busy for those things. Just some days ago I had to take care of a spy

- That shouldn't be your job. You are supposed to have an assassin loyal to you for those things. I know someone that-

- No, thanks.

Jin's words are firm enough to make his friend stop insisting. He never hired someone to take that position again. No one could be better than Suga anyways. After a few drinks and a more relaxed talk, Jin finally walks out. He gets in his car ready to go home but before he can put the keys, he sees it again. Someone in his backseat.

- Oh, look who's back. What is your obsession with my car, Princess?

Jimin sighs. He really can't beat Jin's sixth sense. He sits straight and stares at him through the review mirror. It's the first time they meet in a week. Jimin really took seriously Tae's words and tried to find Yoongi on his own. But clearly that didn't work out.

- I don't think Tae will let me in without you by my side. He must be mad

- Oh, reaaaaally? You don't say...I don't think he is! I mean why? Just because you abandoned him again, ignored his plans and got yourself in danger even though that could end up breaking his heart and making us fix your mistakes again?! Naaah, no one would be mad about that!

- I get it, okay?! No need to be sarcastic. I was impulsive I know. But how could I not? Suga's been away from me for too long. If he dies I die, you understand? I'm not living without him!

- You are so dramatic

- Just...start the car

Jimin doesn't have the energy to argue right now. He wanted to be successful in finding his fiancee. Together, they get home where Jimin goes straight to see Hyunjin and give him the list. He can be sure those places are no longer important to him. Jin is the one to look for Taehyung and tell him who's back.

Opposite to what he would've liked, he looks more worried than he should. Next to him, Jungkook can't keep his eyes off his soulmate. Lately they've been sharing much more time together. He'll never get used to see Tae with anything but a smile. It just doesn't feel right.

- Is he okay? Was he hurt? Did he-

- Your princess knows how to work alone. He's fine.

Seeing the frustration on his brother's face, Jin makes a gesture to Jungkook so they can be left alone. The younger walks a few steps not really wanting to leave.

- Tae, I'm your brother. You can tell me anything. Just...what is going through your head right now? You can let it out with me...

- I don't understand why he risked his life for Suga. I don't get it...

- Tae...how do I say it subtly? Uhm...I don't think he is...well...

- Mentally stable!

- Jungkook! I told you to leave us!

- Sorry! I'll go now!

- Anyway...that.

- I know but... It's my fault. He was a norma boy when I met him. He was so kind and cute and lovely. I asked him to join us just so I could spend time with him. I never thought he was gonna end up liking it and doing this kind of dangerous shit on his own

- I think what he ended up liking is not this job but the one doing it...

- That was my fault too. I took my soulmate and dragged him to a world of drugs, guns and assassins that made him psychotic

- Hey, don't feel guilty. In his defense I like him more like this than as the coward he used to be. To be honest...I think he likes being in danger. But when things got too hard...who do you think was keeping him safe?

- I would've done anything for him, Jin.

- I know. Just...maybe you weren't the only one.

Jin doesn't know how to ask his brother to give it up. Him and Jimin clearly don't belong together. And even though he doesn't like his brother's soulmate at all...he has to admit his love for Yoongi is stronger than he thought. Taehyung sits on the couch, tired. And Jin wants to give him some alone time. On the other side of the door, Jungkook gets ready not to let that happen. He wants to be there for Tae until he can get over his ex completely.

Jin was planning to go to his room but something stops him. It smells burned. Like something's on fire. And it's coming from the kitchen...

- What the actual fuck

- J-Jin! It's not what it looks like! I was trying to fry some of this b-but the oil a-and the curtains and...I'm s-sorry

Jin stares at the half burned kitchen and Namjoon holding the extinguisher and no matter how hard he tries, he can't help to laugh. His soulmate loves the sound of it. It's so contagious he joins him even though a minute ago he was panicking thinking the mansion was gonna be burned to the ground.

Trying to help him, he stays with him and they make dinner. And with they I mean Jin cooks and Namjoon stands there. But the time is spent between anecdotes and recipes. Namjoon telling him about his day and his life. Like normal people. Jin has to bite his tongue more than once hearing him since he knows more about Namjoon than the other knows. After all, he's seen though his eyes for many years now.

It's there, in the middle of the conversation, when Jin realizes what he's doing. He's getting his soulmate in a dangerous place. He's doing the same thing Tae did. And Jimin was able to adapt well. Too well, actually. But that was not gonna happen with Namjoon. This is something that's bound to end. He has to find Suga soon so he can go back to his routine. It's not like he's gonna miss him when that happens...

Next Chapter

There's no way those words came out of Suga's mouth

You think I risked my life just for that, Jimin?


Hiii! One day late but I'm here! At least the bothers have each other~ On the next one we'll see some Yoonmin! And we'll see Hobi ❤️

I hope you're having a great day! This week I have two important exams so I'll try to have the updates on time but I might get a little behind I'm sorry 😭

See you soon! Take care~

- Baby Y

Soulmates and Bullets - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now