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It's been so long since the last time Jimin felt his soulmate's touch that it feels weird. There's still that electric sensation but it doesn't feel as intense. Probably because his skin has felt more memorable things under Min Suga's touch. Still, Taehyung's lips feel like home. His other half, his first love, his best friend. He missed Tae. But not as much as Taehyung missed him. Even if it's hard to talk in between kisses, Jimin tries.

- Wait mmmhm Tae, we have to mmm talk

- I can't believe you're here...I was so broken without you...

He knows that's true. He can feel it in his voice and even see it in his eyes. Still, no matter how lost Taehyung was without him, Jimin has only one person in his mind and heart. Tae tries to continue with the kisses, ignoring his words.

- Wait, Tae it's important

- Mmm we'll talk about it later Minnie. Don't worry, I'll fix everything

- But we have to help Su-

- God, take this off

He takes Jimin's shirt off and opposite to what his idea was, he gets completely serious. His soulmate's body is not only covered in hickeys but in bruises and even a scar.

- What the actual fuck did he do to you? Minnie... I'll kill him, I promise. He will never be near you again after this and...God, did he stab you here? What the fuck is this scar?! I swear Min Suga is dead

- No!

- ...What?

- He...He didn't do this, Tae! It was someone else! And that someone took him so we just need to find him!

For more than ten years, Taehyung believed every word that came out of Park Jimin. But this time, even if his tone sounds honest and his expression looks genuine, he's not that naive anymore.

- We're not playing this game, Minnie

- Game? - His eyes get teary - Do you think I'm lying, Tae? Is that what you think of me?

- You're an amazing actor. But two years away from you made me realize a few things. You are as fake as Hobi told me.

- H-Hoseok doesn't like me that's why he says those things

- Jimin...I don't care. I don't care if you're actually different from what you showed me. I loved you before and I'll love you till the day I die. So I just want you to be honest once. Just this time. If you lie to me for the rest of our lives I don't care. But today...Just tell me what the fuck happened? Did I do something wrong? Is Suga behind all this? For once... don't lie to me... I'll forgive any mistake you made

Jimin can see how broken he is. And being aware this is his fault is not helping. He can be honest. But first...

- I'll say the truth if you promise me you'll help me...

- I promise

- It was my choice to run away with Suga. We're in loved, we'll marry soon and someday we'll have kids and the Min-Park family will take over the world. I love him more than anyone in this planet. I covered my bond with you with a tattoo because I believe fate was wrong. I am sure Min Suga is my real soulmate.

- You...wanted to go with him? He didn't steal you from me? But... You said you loved me...

- I lied. I loved you before but since the day he kissed me that became a lie and nothing else.

There's an awkward silence in the room as Taehyung tries to take in every word the other let out. His heart somehow manages to break even more than it already was. Every lovely feeling in his stomach disappears. The last happy minutes of his life no longer matter. This is what reality is like. And he can't stop his anger.

- Why the fuck did you come back then?

Maybe Jimin should feel intimidated but instead he lets his worries out.

- They have him, Tae! Someone took him away from me! If it wasn't you...then you have to help me find him!

- Why would I do that?

- Because you promised!

- Oh, yeah? I lied.

Taehyung turns around, wanting to leave all this hurtful nonsense behind. But the metallic and cold sensation on the back of his head makes him stop. He can recognize a gun's touch easily

- You're going to help me, Tae. Or I'll kill you

- Thanks to you, I don't really feel alive anymore. So either pull the trigger or offer something better

He starts to walk away and Jimin panics. He needs help. At least to know who's the one that has his lover.

- Wait! I'll pay you!

- Jimin...do I look like I give a shit about money?

- Not in that way, Tae. I'll pay with me. If you help me find Yoongi and you can help me keep him safe... I'll stay with you

- You're lying again

- No...I will never leave your side. I'll love you like the universe wants me to. It's destiny...right?

They stare at each other for a minute. Even if he's not convinced completely, Jimin's glassy eyes get to him. He sounds desperate to find Suga. And who knows? Maybe in the time they look for him he can help him remember how happy they were together. By the end of the day, Jimin gets a special room and when he's finally alone he can relax. He doesn't want to destroy Tae. But he'll do anything it takes to find his future husband.

In a different part of Korea...

Yoongi stares at the ceiling of his cell. He hasn't said a word in days. The torture he received is more than bearable for now so he's planning to keep quiet for longer. He has to hold on until he can finally see the face of whoever is behind all this. He's been in a constant state alert for two years and he finally got tired. He'll end this no matter the cost.

He can't sleep on the cold floor. It's too uncomfortable. He was used to his bed with Jimin. It sounds so ridiculous in his head. How did he end up getting in so much trouble just for love? He was sure that would never happen to him since he has no bond with anyone. Hell, he's been working as an assassin since he was fifteen. What kind of an idiot would fall for him?

Who would've thought that when his friend Jin invited him to join the mafia he was gonna meet him. The best and worst decision of his life was to enter Kim's mansion. Because there he found that beautiful boy. The boss's soulmate. An innocent short boy that the rest made fun of for being a naive adorable idiot.

Maybe Jimin could've stayed that way forever. But no. Yoongi made sure to find that other side of him. What was hiding under that cute eyesmile. A dangerous crazy bastard. The only person Yoongi shouldn't get near. The one he used to call the princess.

He remembers how the younger used to flirt with him all the time. Probably because he was curious. And Yoongi ignored it for a while. He was sure it was a trap of some kind. But the day came in which he couldn't hold it anymore...

Next Chapter

Hoseok...he is dead, right?

You?! You're not joining any mission of anything! Are you crazy?!


I would say this is pretty much where the intro ends. Because next one the plans start! Yeeey!

I know y'all are waiting for Yoongi hahaha I promise he'll appear more! Just wait a bit!

I hope you have a great day! Eat well, drink water and rest! See you on Tuesday!

- Baby Y

P.S: Send good energy to our sunshine! He's a strong man he'll be okay, I know it! ❤️❤️❤️✨🌺

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