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Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and Jin enter the house where Yoongi is supposed to be. There's more people of their team ahead of them making sure the two Kim brothers don't end up hurt. Jin is the first one to go his own way. He wants to find Suga before anyone else and that's exactly what he'll do.

Jungkook is the only one focused on the mission. He's not there to find the assassin. It's not really his business. And while Tae is focused on Jimin, he can have some fun. Even in this situation, Kook enjoys stealing a few things from the house and fighting with others is particularly entertaining for him. Maybe because lately he's been practicing his boxing skills and that makes him feel a little more invincible.

Bullets fall around them with each shot. Music in their ears. It's what they chose to do with their lives and they love it. Even Jimin, who's desperately looking for his future husband enjoys it. It's obvious the police won't come here. It looks abandoned and they're most likely corrupted. They don't get in the middle of things like this.

Jungkook walks upstairs with his gun in hand. He notices something through the corner of his eyes and quickly turns around. With perfect aim he shoots the man behind Tae. When he realizes what just happened, Tae looks up at him and thanks him with a gesture. He shouldn't get distracted....but seeing his soulmate safe makes Jungkook feel proud. He can protect him...

The sequence doesn't let Kook notice the person waiting for him at the end of the stairs. With his big muscles and not as friendly as last time they met, Wonho takes away his gun and holds him by the neck. It's impossible for him to scream but his eyes look for someone, anyone. Taehyung sees it all and is ready to help him, the two soulmates knowing everything will be fine. Until...

- Help me!

Jimin's cry for help makes Taehyung stop. He turns to see Changbin holding his other soulmate from the back and pointing his gun at him as a warning to the rest. Taehyung goes from staring at one to the other soulmate. He can only go for one of them. Jungkook tries not to lose conscience under the pressure being put on his neck. He feels hopeful seeing Taehyung look at him one last time. But the words he whispers are not what he wanted to hear

- I'm sorry...

Taehyung's gun points at Changbin ready to have him dead. But someone else shoots. Jimin is freed as the man behind him falls and his eyes shine when he sees who saved him.

- Sugar babe!

He runs towards Yoongi's arms who swallows the pain piercing through his arm for the shot he received only a few minutes before. Only then Taehyung turns to help Jungkook but once more someone beats him to it. With perfect aim, Jimin gets rid of Wonho. Both Tae and Jimin run up the younger to make sure he's okay.

Jungkook can barely breathe. His lungs were close to giving up and he was seconds away from losing conscience. He tries to get up on his own, ignoring Tae's help. In front of him, Jimin keeps shooting whoever comes to the room. He wants to help him but he can't stop coughing. His throat is killing him right now. The shots stop as Jimin helps him stand straight.

- You can go back to the car, Kookie. I'll take care of every one of this fuckers!

- Who is that and why are you talking to him so nicely? I wasn't gone for that long

Yoongi's jealousy takes over his voice asking it. It's not common for him to see his boy talking that way to anyone but him. Still, Jimin only shows him a huge smile

- He's my friend, grumpy cat! You know I only love you

Yoongi pretends not to be affected by those words but a clear smirk appears on his face. On the other hand, Taehyung feels a heavy weight on his chest. He never saw Suga looking at Jimin like that. Maybe because when they ran away those feelings were just starting to appear. Besides, they were smart enough to keep their things behind Tae's back. But...not anymore.

It takes a little more than half an hour to clear the place. The girls left in a different van and they are ready to go back home. Hobi drives happy to see Yoongi alive. Next to him, Jin looks forward. He doesn't want to turn around where he knows his soulmate is. Namjoon is a little uncomfortable with what happened but he tries to focus on the bright side. Suga is finally there.

Yoongi and Jimin don't pull apart even for a second. The younger gives him soft kisses near his wound to distract from the pain. And Suga pretends that bullet doesn't hurt and those kisses are not driving him crazy. In front of them, Tae tries to ignore them looking at Jungkook but this one is not looking back. Every few seconds they can hear Kook cough.

While Namjoon and Yoongi talk, Tae finally dares to ask his most recent soulmate if he's okay. But there's no answer. Seeing how the two in front of him take so much care of each other, Tae tries again.

- Let me see, maybe I can-

- My hyung can take care of it later.

Taehyung feels like they live a hundred hours away. Time goes by too slowly in a very weird atmosphere. When they finally arrive, the boy next to him is the first one to get down.

- Kook, wait! - He stops him - I'm sorry... I didn't want anything to happen to you, I swear. I'm really sorry.

- Why? You did what you had to do. You saved your soulmate.

- Are you mad at me? Jungkook, Jimin is m-

- No. It's fine, I just...I need to rest. My head hurts, that's all. We'll talk tomorrow...if you don't kick me out first hour in the morning or send me to die

- N-No! I won't do that...again

- Cool.

Taehyung sees him walk away and swallows hard. He took the right choice. He tried to save his soulmate and best friend. Then why does he feel this empty?

Next Chapter

Really?! You know who my soulmate is?!

What do you want my fucking number for?


It's not very well written because I'm really tired but I still love this chapter. I don't know it's just so...drama ✨

Next one is Namjin! The conversation Namjoon had with Yoongi will be there~ and more, ofc

See you soon! Hopefully tomorrow!

- Baby Y

Soulmates and Bullets - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now