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When Jin and Yoongi entered Hanseo's mansion, the older had nothing left to live for. He was exhausted of every single problem he's been dragging for years. Wishing for a normal life, knowing he has no problem with violence, loving a man like Namjoon, being rejected. Everything was too much to keep going. He resisted as much as he could. Whenever a bullet would reach him he wouldn't complain. Because he knew that his death wouldn't be that important. The only that would dare to cry for him is Taehyung. And he wished he could've apologized to him for leaving him alone in this shitty world taking care of their business.

Eventually, his body gives up. He can't remember the exact moment when it happened, but he found himself being punched by one of the guards. The beating eventually stopped but the pain remained. He couldn't even open his eyes. He's tired and honestly he started to become friends with the idea of dying. Somewhere in the room, he can faintly hear Yoongi's voice. He listens to him confess to Jimin and if he could he would cry. Because he didn't have the chance to say goodbye either. There's words he never got to pronounce. Feelings that couldn't come out.

Deep down, he knew Namjoon would never have the slightest idea of what he felt. He would move on with his life, fall for someone else, forget him. And his name would never be mentioned by anyone. He only exists as a mafia leader. And those people can die any day without leaving an impact on the rest of the world. And yet, if the situation was backwards he wouldn't be able to leave Namjoon behind. Because every memory with him is tattooed in his brain. Not only spending days with him planning missions, or simply going out or kissing him. It was more than that. Because maybe his soulmate has a few months of memories with him. But Jin? He had hundreds of nights. Those in which he could see everything the other showed him. It's amazing how minute by minute night after night Namjoon managed to make him fall in love.

To open his eyes was almost impossible at this point but for some reason, he got to do it. Only for a minute. He couldn't think about what was happening. Everything was too blurry. Yoongi appeared in front of him and said sorry to him. But he didn't answer back. After that, everything went back to black. It took too much energy to try and he simply waited for someone to come in and shoot him. However the next thing he heard later that night, was Yoongi being dragged away. He tried to move and help him but truth was he could barely stay awake. Hell, he was barely staying alive at all. How long after was it? When he finally felt someone take him.

His whole body relaxed to the touch and he was convinced that only meant he was finally dead. After all, only in the best version of heaven he should be able to feel this electricity run through his veins. Blinking slowly, his eyes meet Namjoon's crying ones. Oh yes, this must be heaven. The heaviness in his body seems to disappear when Namjoon takes him on his shoulder. However, as the minutes go by, this feels less and less like heaven. Too many shots, too many screams for help, too much chaos. Trying his best, he comes back to the real world. And shit, things really are fucked up.

His brother cries pressing his shirt on a bleeding Jungkook who's still unconscious. At least for now since that will change just a few minutes later. Moonbyul is there for some reason and takes instructions to take care of the guards from Hobi. But most importantly, in front of his eyes and looking as lovely as always, is Kim Namjoon. A little bit out of focus for him but he can still recognize him.

- W-What the hell a-are you doing here?

- Shh, don't force yourself. Don't worry, I'll get you away from here

- Y-You should be s-safe back home

- I couldn't leave my soulmate on his own...

As Namjoon carries him to the van, Jin lets out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding. For some reason, he feels safe and relaxed. Even if he can tell his other half is exhausted and still a little scared, there's a peace he can only feel when he has him close. No matter how much he tried to fight it, it feels like he'll only feel this way by his side. His thoughts are interrupted when someone comes up to the van. One of Hanseo's guard. Taehyung is too far from them still taking care of Jungkook. Jin's reflexes are not fast enough and the best he can do is give Namjoon a signal with his eyes.

Not in a million years he expected Namjoon's response. Obeying what Moonbyul taught him not that long ago, the man turns around aiming his gun and shooting. Thankfully for his mental health, he doesn't kill the enemy and his shot is enough to be a warning. That's all it takes for Hoseok and Moonbyul to come their way to help. Knowing how much doing something this terrible must mean for his soulmate, Jin puts all his effort in making his voice come out.

- I'm sorry for getting you in this shit

- Don't say anything. - He takes Jin's hand softly - Just...just promise you won't die and I'll take care of you...

Jin closes his eyes, holding the other's hand back. He was sure he was gonna die back in that mansion. But maybe the universe was gonna give him a second chance. And he was willing to take it. Namjoon is about to go help Tae so they can bring Jungkook to the van when Jin and him hear it. While Namjoon jumps in place scared of the sound, Jin lets out a tear. Because despite not being in that mansion anymore he knows what happened...

Next Chapter

What's your price now, precious?

I'm sorry, my love...I always do things without thinking...


Hi babes~ How we doing? Jin is finally safe and by his soulmate's side. They still have things to say but at least they lived through that! And I really wanted coward Namjoon to be the one that saves a mafia boss. The bro has no limits.

Okay, now we can't play dumb anymore. Next chapter we'll see Yoonmin so I hope you're ready for that. Remember there's only three chapters left!

I'll see you soon! I hope you have a beautiful day/night!

- Baby Y

Soulmates and Bullets - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant