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Jimin enters the room with a forced smile on his face. He lied a million times in his life. But this is by far the hardest thing he's ever done. He wants to run towards Yoongi, kiss him, hug him, save him. But instead, he tries to keep his focus on the other person there. Hanseo doesn't even look surprised to see him. Before the man can say a word, Jimin starts his act.

- So finally someone had the balls to stand up to Min Suga. I never thought that would happen

- I would say it wasn't easy, but for me it was. So tell me, did you come here to take him from me?

- Take him from you? You sound like his lover. I'm pretty sure that was my role

- I know it was. I've seen the pictures my spy got from you. So is that why you're here?

- I just came to see the show. I spent two years with that psychopath. I'm curious of what you can do to someone like him.

Jimin walks up to Yoongi and softly lifts his chin with his hand. His fiancee is still alive. That's all he needs. And ignoring the look on Yoongi's eyes begging him to leave, he continues his plan. Hanseo doesn't trust Jimin's words completely but as long as he's there he should take advantage of it.

- You used to do many things for money. What's your price now, precious?

When his hands touch Jimin's waist he has to do his best not to turn around and kick him in the balls.

- Hmm I guess one bullet would be enough of a payment.

- Excuse me?

- Oh, don't get me wrong. I just wanna hurt him a little before you take full care of him.

- Hahaha you don't think I'm that stupid, do you? You just killed half my men to get in here and you want me to give you a gun?

- Hmmm I guess it's understandable you're scared of me

- Scared? Oh baby, I'm just smarter than you and your boyfriend.

Jimin would love to correct him and tell him he's now his fiancee. But this is not the time for that. So instead he faces him to show him every gun he had hidden in his suit.

- Believe me, if I wanted to kill you I would've done it already.

That's a lie. He ran out of bullets just a minute ago. But Hanseo is surprised to see the amount of guns the boy had on him. As the man is too focused on all those weapons that are now on the floor as Jimin gets rid of them, Taehyung looks at them through the window glass. When the soulmates make eye contact, Jimin lets him go. His place is not next to Taehyung. Not even if that means he'll have to risk his life. The good thing is, Hanseo looks a lot more relaxed now that Jimin's unarmed.

- So you wanna hurt him?... I'm not convinced

- You know me. I love powerful people. I won't deny being with him was an incredible experience. But just look at him now. He can't even look up. It's disgusting.

- That's because he can't defend himself against someone as me. I have more power and I'm definitely smarter than him

- And still you left him keep one of his guns

- Sorry?

Jimin smiles knowing it must be there. Hidden in the same place as always, he takes out the revolver Yoongi always kept with him. Oh, he knows it perfectly. They've used it many times.

- There

- He's an idiot but not that much. If he has it and didn't use it's because it has no bullets.

- Let's try it

Jimin points at Yoongi and shoots four times. But just like he expected, no bullet comes out. Hanseo laughs seeing it. If Jimin really risked Yoongi's life pointing at him then he has nothing to worry about. Or so he thinks.

Soulmates and Bullets - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon