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Jungkook is doing all he can not to catch feelings for Tae. But each day they spend more and more time together and it seems like they were made for each other. They have a million things in common and Tae is smiling more often which only makes things harder for the younger. He would love not to control his feelings at all but he knows he has to. Jimin reminds him of it every time. Not on purpose but whenever he comes close, Tae's eyes stay on him forgetting completely about Jungkook's existence.

While Tae has to take care of a few things with Jin, Kook walks around the mansion. Jimin's room is near and he wants to walk past it. With his hands in his pockets he tries to be silent so he doesn't have to face him. Jimin treats him right but...it just feels uncomfortable for him. Before he can keep walking he finds a paper in one of the pockets.

He reads the address written on it and remembers where they got it from. It was in Changbin's office, in one of his files. The one with those pictures...

- You're standing in front of my room because you wanna be friends or because you're lost?

- Jimin hyung...

- Just Jimin is fine!

- How about Jiminssi?

- ...No.

- Ugh, fine. Jimin, you went to all the addresses Hyunjin found, right?

- Every single one on the list

- Was this one included?

Jimin reads the paper and frowns. He definitely never went there. Jungkook would love to walk away and tell Tae but Jimin doesn't let him and asks for an explanation. Knowing full well he will realize if he lies, he tells him the truth.

- That's so weird...I never imagined Changbin in a business like that one...

- His cousin is in it though!

- His cousin is a dick. But...he could have some information about it. I should talk to him - he takes out his gun - to see what he knows

Jungkook panics. He saw how unpredictable Jimin can be and how much trouble that could cause to Tae.

- Wait! What if...I talk to him?

- You? You wanna talk to Hanseo? Why would you do that?!

- So you don't do anything stupid.

- Oh, now you're honest?...I like you, let's go

- Now?!

- My future husband might be in that fucker's hands. So yes, now. Or I can go alone and do it my way...

Jungkook sighs and accepts to go with him. On the way, he finds out Jimin can do things calmly when he tries. But there's still a part of him that would love to just shoot everyone and move on to the next step.

- He owns this bar and he's always here. I'll talk to you through the ear piece so he doesn't see me. You have no idea how annoying he gets when I'm near

- Okay. So I go, ask about him and Changbin, come out, the end.

- Yeah. And Jungkook...

- Yes?

-... I'll tell you later. Go ahead!

Jungkook ignores what information he's hiding and enters the place. Following Jimin's instructions, he tries to look as sexy as possible when he walks up to Hanseo. And it's impossible for the other not to pay attention to him. Kook can look irresistible if he puts his mind to it. Specially with those abs and thick thighs.

- They say you're in charge here...- Kook talks- Is there any way I can find a job with you?

- You want to join us, baby? - He looks at him up and down - Yeah, you can definitely fit in. As long as you can follow orders.

- You have him, Kook! Pretend like you're interested!

- You think I'll make enough money? From what they told me your business is not that big...

- I don't know who told you that but don't believe him. We're already big and we're expanding

- So suddenly?

- Yes. Many want to join me now. You do them a little favor and they all have to give something back

- A favor?

- Nothing important. I caught a rat for them and they're in my hands hahaha

- I see...that must be a big rat

- Oh, it is. My adorable cousin Changbin caught it. But I took advantage of it. I know how to make things work my way

- I can tell...

- So, are you interested?

- Yeah, definitely. I'll come back soon then!

- Wait. I need to know if you're as good as you look

- Eh?

- Kook... remember that thing I was gonna tell you? Well...I'm pretty sure Hanseo is gonna wanna fuck you now! Say the word and I'll be there to shoot him!

Not wanting Jimin to mess things up, but also hating the idea of being in the same bed as the man in front of him, Jungkook reacts. He takes his drink and throws it in the other's face.

- I'm don't work for free! - He acts angry - I always get paid. I would never let you touch me if you don't pay.

- Oh baby, I'm sorry, what's your special price for me?

- F-Forget it! I don't want you as a boss if you're like this! And I bet you don't have what it takes to satisfy me

Walking away from Hanseo with his heart going faster than ever, he can hear Jimin's laugh through his ear piece. Outside, they meet and walk back home.

- That was amazing! I can't believe you told him that! I never even tried to insult Hanseo before!

- Was that information enough for you?

- From what I got, I think Changbin caught the love of my life. Hanseo, knowing everyone wanted him dead made deals with others. They join Hanseo's business and in exchange they all have a chance to make things even with my future husband.

- Basically, Suga's fucked.

- No. We'll save him. He'll come back to me soon. I can feel it!

- I hope so...

- Thanks for doing this for me, Kook! I knew we could be friends!

- I'm not doing this for you.

- Oh...Are you perhaps doing it for my soulmate?

- Our soulmate

- Right...- He smiles - Maybe he can be only yours if you keep trying so hard...

Back at home, Tae hugs Jimin as soon as he sees him. Jungkook tries to walk past them but can't help to listen to their conversation. Not letting him know what they just did, Jimin simply says they should follow a well planned strategy to save Suga. Of course he gives him the address of the place with a smile.

- You think he's there?

- Yes, TaeTae! It sounds like a place where they'd hide a big rat...

Taehyung has no idea what he means. But Jungkook does. Now he can't help to think the day of the rescue will be sooner than later. And he has no idea of what's gonna happen after that...and if his soulmate will want him close anymore.

Next Chapter

If it's that dangerous then why are you going?

I'll help you! Just take my hand!


Hello~ Jimin trying to be friendly but getting him in danger it's very him.

Are ready for the rescue mission?! Next chapter is with Namjoon! So wait for it! Now all my favorite parts start. Because you know, drama✨

See you soon!

- Baby Y

Soulmates and Bullets - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now