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It would've been ideal not to take so long in getting ready. But having a mission this dangerous and out of the blue is not something they can be prepared for. Not when one of the bosses is nowhere to be found. No matter how many times they call Jin's phone no one's answering and they can't wait any longer. Tae, Jungkook and everyone available for this at the moment start their way up to Hanseo's mansion. Of course many have to stay behind and take care of the house. But the rest take their guns knowing it's the most suicidal thing they'll ever do. Not having his brother near makes Tae even more nervous than usual. And the fact that Hoseok is not with them either only makes him feel less and less safe. But he can't go back on his words. Not when his soulmate is in danger.

The first thing they see when they arrive alerts them. Yoongi's car is abandoned there after clearly being crashed against the fence. And not only that but there's dead bodies of guards everywhere. They're about to enter when Jungkook stops Taehyung from being the first one to face the problems.

- Let me go! I have to go first! I have to find Jimin and-

He can't end the phrase before Jungkook pulls him closer. If anyone is gonna take this risk it'll be him. While putting Tae behind him to keep him protected he whispers soft enough not to be heard by everyone there.

- I need you to stay alive, Tae. I'm your soulmate. I can't let you do something stupid for love. You can't be like Jimin or...or like me

- Y-You?

Before taking the final step into the mansion where shots can still be heard, Kook turns to him. Following his heart, he pulls Tae close for a kiss. For some reason it feels like it's the last one he'll ever give. The older doesn't fight it. If anything he's to shocked to react.

- I'm sorry...I wanted to know how that felt at least once in my life. - He avoids staring into his eyes - Let's go.

Without another word, the mission is on. The walls of the mansion have stains of blood that cover the wallpapers looking like a warning. As expected, several people try to protect the place and the sounds of shots and screams of pain take over the hallways. Reloading as fast as possible so they can advance, they go upstairs. There, in what looks like a sea of bodies they find themselves in front of the last person they expected to see. Hoseok doesn't have his characteristic smile which is surprising considering he's doing one of the things he enjoys the most. Really, he should be a full time assassin someday.

- Boss? What are you doing here?

- Me?! What are you doing here, Hobi?!

- I was making sure Jimin doesn't die...or trying to - He shoots an enemy - I lost sight of him a few minutes ago

- Are you okay?

- Me? Taehyung, I make weapons. If someone knows how to dodge a bullet that's me.

Starting to think maybe he's more dangerous than all of them together, Kook asks what he needs to move on.

- Do you at least know where could Jimin have gone?

- Last time I saw him he was going that way. He was following the man dragging Suga's fucked up body around. And if you're looking for Jin I believe he's down that other hall

- Jin?! What the hell is my brother doing here?!

- Hey, don't ask me! I didn't know he was dumb enough to join Suga in this

His tone and the way he avoids making eye contact makes Tae know he's been hiding something. He always wondered how could Suga run away with Jimin without any help. To realize one of his closest friends might've been acting behind his back frustrates him. But this is not the time to take care of it. He'll make sure to do something about it once they're out... if they manage to survive of course.

- Let's split ways

- What?! Tae, that would be-

- It's the safest way to get to everyone. I'll go find Jimin and you can go get Jin. Hoseok, you go back to the front, the rest will need you there. You can come back once that area is secure completely.

- Yes boss!

No matter how much the younger wants to argue with the idea, it's obvious his soulmate won't change his mind. Jungkook makes sure they have enough bullets to move forward and they are ready to go. But before they can take another step, he stops Tae. He takes a good look at him, trying to memorize every trait on him just in case he doesn't get the chance to see him again. And with his heart clenching he asks him one last favor.

- For the love of God, promise me you won't die

Tae is taken back by him worrying so much even in this situation. When he nods, Jungkook relaxes at least for a bit. Tae sees him walk the opposite way without knowing this might've been the last time his soulmate's eyes would be open. Trying to ignore the bad feeling, he turns his back on him and goes to look for Jimin, even if his heart is screaming for someone else...

Next Chapter

Context changes everything

Namjoon, he... he's not coming back


Bro, I was like "Since it was Kook's birthday I should update". But it's on the list of saddest Taekook chapters here 😂 Poor baby :c Are u starting to get anxious with so many of them in danger? Good. You should.

Sorry not sorry. I hope you're enjoying so far! Next one we'll see Namjoon! He has to learn a few things. Be ready to be more worried than you are now! See you soon~

- Baby Y

P.S: This man deserves the whole world and I hope he can achieve all his dreams in life and be forever happy. His bunny smile and cute laugh is all need to be happy, bro. Also, he's low-key my gender envy role model. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM. Love this babe 💜 💞

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