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Taehyung lets Jungkook drive the bike and the younger enjoys having his soulmate's arms wrapped around his waist. He makes sure to flex so the other can feel his abs. But Tae is not paying attention to that he's just thinking they' won't be able to catch Jimin on time. Still, Kook doesn't give up on it. He knows the shortcuts of the city. The streets raised him, he knows every possible road he can take. After ten minutes they see him. He's kinda far but after going over the speed limit they end up almost by his side.

- Jimin! Stop this! Turn around and let's go home!

- You go back.

- Oh please, stop being so stubborn!

Jimin goes even faster but Jungkook is not far behind. Tired of being followed and confident he can do this on his own, Jimin takes out his gun. With perfect aim he shoots Kook's front wheel. If it wasn't for his fast reflexes they could've crashed completely. But thankfully even though the impulse makes them fall, they don't get badly hurt.

- He's fucking nuts

Jungkook's voice comes out with more anger than usual. Mainly because that could've ended up with Tae getting hurt. And that's something he doesn't want to see ever in his life. He helps his soulmate get up and can't help to worry seeing him cry. He looks for injuries, a scratch, a broken bone, anything. But the only thing broken is Tae's heart.

He really loved Jimin and he's not stupid. He can see how little the other cares about him. Without saying a word he starts to walk back home. Kook follows him taking the bike on his side since there's no way they can ride it back.

- Is it dumb if I tell you something obvious?

- Everything you say it's obvious, Jeon

- ...I think you should try to move on from him

- I can't do that. He's my soulmate!

- So am I! And yet the first day you saw me I almost ended up dead!

- That's different - His tears are finally stopping - What we have is a mistake

- And what you have with Jimin is... perfect?

- It's not the same.

- Well, I don't think this is a mistake!

- What the hell are you saying?

- I mean, I think you look exactly the way I dreamed you! That sounds right! You're pretty, dangerous, you won't call the police on me and you're rich!

- And you're an idiot

Despite that being his answer, he can't help a small smile to appear on his face. And Jungkook sees it so he doesn't complain.

- I guess I am...

Tae keeps walking leaving Jungkook a little behind. But he can't do it for long. Those words were too pretty not to thank him. He never heard anyone say something about him with such a sweet tone. Specially not Jimin. His first soulmate wanted to be the center of attention himself and never cared much in praising anyone else.

- Thanks...for that.

- Oh... you're welcome cutie!

- Hey! This doesn't mean something's gonna happen between us okay?!

- I think you made that clear - he smiles wide - So... wanna talk more while we walk? Or should we be in silence and die of boredom?

-... Fine

If anyone in the Kim mansion could see it, they would take a lot in believing their eyes. Taehyung's laugh is so clear it only makes Jungkook laugh with him.

- You had to see Namjoon's face when he saw me with the vacuum! But those stupid fruitflies were getting on my nerves!


- Poor Namjoon, I woke him up at like 3 AM

- Oh, well Jin did that with me! I woke up to him screaming so I ran to see what the hell was going on! Turns out someone put a kiwi were the eggs go and he thought an egg was growing hair

It was now Jungkook's turn to laugh. Every story they share is funnier than the one before. The way back home feels too short enjoying it so much. But as soon as they enter the mansion Tae can't help to yawn. It's late and he's really tired. However it seems like the conversation won't stop there.

- Hey, Tae? If you don't kill me after our mission, can we be friends? The whole soulmate thing aside, I like talking to you! And being friends with the Kim mafia? Fire.

- You're an idiot. But...I guess we can do that. Is not like I have anyone else

- You have Jin!

- Yeah, but a brother is not the same as a friend. Jimin was a friend. He knew everything about me and I knew everything about him. Or so I thought...

- Never trust someone from the mafia

- He wasn't a part of it. Not until I insisted. He started getting missions. Eventually he had most of them with Suga who was supposed to be protecting him in my name

- I think he did a little more than that

- Yeah, he took him away. Suga stole money from every other powerful family I know and then ran away with my soulmate. Jin and I had to work a fucking lot to compensate the rest and not end up owing them anything.

- No offense but your other soulmate sounds like a jerk leaving you with all that mess. I'm so much better than that!

- Jungkook! Don't say that about him! He's... he's...

- All you know? - Tae shamefully nods - Well I'm here now. And so is Namjoon if you ever need him! Just don't tell him about anything illegal. And there's Jin and everyone else in this mansion!

- Is not that easy...The universe doesn't work that way, Jeon. He takes decisions, not me

- Jimin and Suga took their own decisions from what I saw

- I'm not crazy enough to defy destiny like that

- I did it too!

- When the hell did you go against it?

- Since I decided I'll be your friend instead of marrying you and having kids like the universe wants

Something in the way Jungkook looks at him with those shiny eyes and bunny smile makes Taehyung's heart beat a little faster. But he just rolls his eyes and says goodbye to him so they can finally go to bed. Maybe when destiny wrote Kook's name it wasn't so wrong...

Next Chapter

What is your obsession with my car, Princess?

I'm your brother, Tae. You can tell me anything


Please tell me you remember the vacuum anecdote hahaha I can hear Namjoon's voice in my head telling the story 😂😂

Anyway! I hope you liked it! I love Jungkook's character he's so upbeat. Next one we'll see Jin!

Are you ready for the PSY and Suga song in a few hours? I'll hear it as soon as I wake up in a few hours!

- Baby Y

Soulmates and Bullets - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now