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Fred, Ned and MJ sat in Ned's grandmother's house watching the news.
" Anything?" MJ asked.
" Li-never answers her phone on missions. This time is no different I'm afraid." Fred shook his head.
" Nothing from Peter either." Ned sighed.
Fred rubbed his tired eyes. He knew she was okay, physically at least. But he knew his sunflower like the back of his hand, he she would have some how spun this in her mind into to thinking it's her fault. She must be tearing herself up inside.

" I'm pressing it." MJ joined the boys at the table.
" Woah what-" Ned started.
" I know he told me to wait but-" MJ started.
" We have to wait, Li will kick my ass if we mess this up." Fred told them.
" I wish we could see them." Ned said.
" Where do you think they are?" MJ asked.
" Probably together some where blaming themselves." Fred guessed.

" I wish I could see Peter." Ned said.
A spark appeared. Everyone sat up.
" Do that again." Fred told him.
" I wish I could see Peter." Ned moved his arms.
A bigger spark in a circle arrived.
" I wish I could see Peter!" Ned moved his arms in a circle.
A portal was made in the middle of the living room and they saw a man in a Spider-Man suit.
" Wait-where's Liliah?" Fred asked.

" I don't let's ask. Peter! Peter!" MJ started yelling.
The Spider-Man waved and ran to the portal. He started getting closer.
" Mates, I don't think that's Peter." Fred said as he pushed them behind them and took his wand out.
The guy jumped into the house and it was obviously not their Peter. Ned's Grandmother started screaming and Fred pointed his wand threateningly at him.

" Woah, hey-hey I'm a nice guy it's okay-" The man said before pulling off his mask.
" Remus?" Fred asked.
" What?" The man asked.
" You know this guy?" Ned asked.
" Yeah it's Liliah's uncle Remus. But younger?" Fred tilted his head to the side.
" No, no I'm not this Remus guy, and I'm definitely no ones uncle. My name is Peter Parker." He told them.
" No, you're Remus. What's your favorite food?" Fred asked.
" Pizza, easy." He shrugged.

" Oh no, you're not Remus." Fred shook his head.
" No. I am Spider-Man, in my world. But then yesterday, I was-I was just here." Peter explained.
Fred put his wand up again and everyone stepped back.
" String theory, the multiverse, matter displacement. There all real?" Peter asked.
They shook their head yes.
" Knew it." Peter fist bumped.

" This must be from the spell." Ned whispered.
" The spell? As in magic?" Peter asked.
" No what spell?" Ned asked.
" Magic's real here too?" Peter asked.
" Yeah definitely not Remus. This guy is way to trusting in other people." Fred said mostly to himself.

" Prove it." MJ said.
" Prove what?" Peter asked.
" Prove you're Spider-Man." MJ said.
" I don't carry ID on me, that kinda defeats the whole secret superhero thing-" Peter started.
MJ grabbed a bread roll and threw it at him. It hit in the stomach.
" Why'd you do that?" He asked.
" To see if you have the Peter tingle thing." MJ told him.
" I have the tingle thing just not for bread-could you not throw the bread again. You're a deeply mistrusting person and...I respect it." Peter said as MJ picked up another roll.

He then jumped up and stuck to the ceiling just by his hand. MJ and Fred looked at each other.
" Crawl around." Fred said.
" Crawl around? No." Peter told him.
" Yes crawl around." MJ nodded.
" Why do I need to crawl around? This is plenty." Peter said.
" No it's not." Fred said.
" Yes it is." Peter nodded.
" Na uh. Do it." MJ threw another roll at him.

Ned's grandmother started talking to him.
" Oh my grandmother asked if you could get that web in the corner since you're up there." Ned said.
" Oh yeah sure." Peter put his mask in his mouth and crawled on the ceiling.
He grabbed the web and jumped down.
" We good?" He asked.
" For now." MJ said turning to Fred and Ned.

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