Chapter 1

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"We have a huge problem." Sergeant Olivia Benson comes in saying to the members of the SVU.
"What's the problem?" Detective Rollins walks in saying, sitting down at her desk, followed by the other four, all sitting down around Amanda's desk.
"A teenage girl was gang-raped at a frat party." Benson says, looking through a folder, and then handing it to Rollins. "I'll need two of you to go and investigate." Rollins passes the folder onto Barba, the lawyer for the squad.
"I chose Rollins and Carisi for the job." Following groans from both of them. Rafael passes the folder onto Carisi, who looks through it quietly.
"Why him?" Rollins asks, upset.
"I don't want to work with her." Carisi says back.
"Stop arguing. You will work together no matter what. All the rest of you, do research and report to the two tomorrow at five sharp." They all walk away, leaving Carisi and Rollins alone.
"She got gang-raped at a frat party. Who thought that would happen?" Amanda asks, sarcasm lacing her voice.
"Surely not her." Sonny states, walking over to the lockers to get his jacket and holster. "Let's get a move on. We have people to talk to."

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