Chapter 14

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Amanda wakes up in a hospital bed, her throat aching. She blinks as her eyes adjust to the light above her. She swallows, trying to clear the burning in her throat. She runs her tongue over the sides of her mouth, hurt and bloody. She looks to her right, and sees Fin at her side.
"You took quite the wipeout, my friend." She giggles a bit. "You should be glad your boyfriend was there to take the beating for you." Her face sinks.
"He didn't do anything to deserve that. They're probably torturing him or selling him. Anybody would pay good money to get him." She's quiet for a second. "Where's the rest of the squad?"
"Out looking for your only source of sanity." She rolls her eyes. "Well," he says, standing up. "I have to go help them. Someone will be in later." Her eyes grow wide. "What?" He asks.
"Hospitals have always kind of terrified me. I hate being alone in them."
"You'll be fine. Just go to sleep and when you wake up one of us will be here."
"Thanks Fin." He grins at her and closes the door. She closes her eyes once again, longing for Sonny's arms to comfort her through this experience.
"Shhh darling..." He'd say, holding her to his chest. "We'll get through it together." Tears fall down her face, missing the warmth she felt when he was with her. Her head sinks into the pillow, and she falls asleep soundly once again.

Her door slamming wakes her up. Her eyes fly open to see Benson standing at the door.
"Did you find him? Please say you found him." She starts to cry.
"Rollins-" she walks over to her and takes her in her arms. "I know you've been through a lot." She nods into Benson's shoulder. "And the only person who could make it better is-"
"Sonny." She nods.
"He'll get through whatever hell he's going through for you, just like you're doing for him." Rollins leans back into her pillow.
"You guys didn't find him, did you?"
"We're trying as hard as we possibly can." She swallows.
"Okay. Go out there and find him." She chuckles.
"Alright Rollins." She reaches for her phone on the table next to her. She reads through Sonny's texts to her to comfort her.
You're the strongest person I know. Never give up, no matter what the cause is, because you'll always come home to the detectives that need you, and the person that loves you everyday.

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