Chapter 33

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Her head and body aches as she tries to move around on the hard gravel. She gives up with a sigh and lies there. She reaches down and feels her aching thigh, also discovering that it's bleeding. She stands up and tries to run away again, but falls back down onto her knees. A police office approaches her and tries to talk to her, but she rolls over and passes out.

She wakes up, her head hurting from obvious whiplash, and her thigh wrapped up. She takes in her surroundings, which appear to be a hospital. She squeezes her eyes shut and tries to forget she's in a hospital. She swallows, her throat dry. Sonny walks in the door suddenly.
"What happened to you?" He takes her gently in his arms.
"You probably heard." He nods. "I wish I could have stopped you. Or else this wouldn't have-" Liv bursts in the door.
"Sonny, get out." He backs away and out the door.
"You lost my trust before, but now you've gone over the line."
"I didn't shoot him..."
"Then who did?" Liv says.
Amanda starts to tear up. "Did he die?"
"You shot him at point blank in the shoulder. The bullet shattered his collarbone and his left lung collapsed. He's not dead, but he's undergoing surgery."
"It happened just because I was upset. If you or any other goddamn person could have made an attempt to help me, this wouldn't have happened. You can't arrest me."
"I know it's been difficult for you. Your life spiraled down from when you were assaulted. I understand that. It's up to Nick to decide whether to arrest you or not. Sorry."
"Thanks for being so understanding, Sarge." She swallows. "Sorry, habit. Olivia."
"You can keep calling me Sarge, Rollins. I'll be here for you just like a sergeant would." Amanda cracks a small smile.
"It will take a long time for you to regain my trust, but I know you'll do it sometime." The door is knocked on.
"Nick is here to talk to you." Fin peeks in saying. Amanda nods.
"I'll leave." Liv says, getting up to let Nick in. He sits in his wheelchair next to Amanda's bed.
"I'm so sorry." She says. "I'll pay for the surgery-"
"You don't need to do that.I accept your apology. Liv talked to me and said it was my decision whether to arrest you or not." Amanda nods. "You've gone through stuff that I can't even imagine going through. I don't want to convict you." Amanda sighs with relief.
"Thank you, Nick. Let me pay for some of your surgery."
"That's not necessary." She nods. Fin comes back to take Nick back to his room, and he scowls at Amanda. Liv pops in again.
"You're cleared to go home. Remember that Carisi and I will always be here for you." She gets up, wincing when she stands on her weak leg, but limps out of the room to Sonny.
"Call me if you need anything." Liv tells her. She smiles and limps after Sonny to his car.
"I'm surprised you're alive. Liv says you were thrown through the windshield.
"Yeah. I'm surprised I'm alive too." She looks out the window at the snowy streets passing by.
"I've been thinking."
"What about?" He takes her hand gently and strokes it with his thumb.
"I want to move back to Georgia. When I was lying there on that street, I remembered that I shot Nick, and I wanted to drive to Atlanta before anyone could catch me." Tears start to muffle her talking.
"But then I remembered that I was assaulted in Atlanta, a-and that I had you here for me, but I remembered nobody trusted me-" they pull up to her apartment and they both get out of the car. He gently takes her in his arms.
"You can't leave. I would miss you too much." She sniffs back tears. She leans up against the hood of the car. He puts his hands on either side of her and gently leans against her. She feels his hot breath against her face as he talks to her.
"I love you, and I'm so glad you're okay." She smiles and they walk inside. He gently pulls her jacket off for her. She smiles and pulls him by the tie to her, and they kiss. She slowly leads him into the bedroom, slowly stripping her clothes off.
"Are you sure?" She nods nervously as he starts to move towards her body.

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