i was bored, so more Linked Universe

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Honestly, I have no ideas anymore and I was bored so I was like, 'Why not go on wattpad! yas' so then i went on but then i was like 'wait i don't know what to write at all though' so then ya. please give me ideas or dares. thank you and-

Link: hurry or i will use the timeshift stone on ya

Sorry. Enjoy the chapter-

(everyone has joined the chat)

Link: It's raining lynels from out of a guardian

(Link has left the chat)

Mipha: ....What?

Zelda: It's...not even raining

Daruk: Is he high

Urbosa: Link came along the alleyway this afternoon. Said he wanted to relieve stress. Next thing I knew he was cross-dressing and drinking Noble Pursuits.

Revali: Awwwww why couldn't I come over

Urbosa: You with your mon...

Zelda: Speaking of which, Revali. Did you throw away all your mon?

Revali: ......n-no, i did

Zelda: good 

(Raining Lynel has joined the chat)

(Raining Lynel has turned on Initial Name Function)

Z: Oh so that's hat it was. I saw it on one of the settings but I was too scared to click it

M: Same

R: this is stupid.

(RL has left the chat)

(Hero of Time has joined the chat)

(Hero of the Sky has joined the chat)

(Hero of Twilight. has joined the chat)

HOT: How do y'all like my initials ~

HOT.: The name with the period after it is the Hero of Twilight. But the one with no period is the Hero of Time. Also Time has a giant middle part so don't mind his hair

HOT: Says the man who has 3 girlfriends and still can't choose.

HOT.: ....

D: can we actually do something. and little  guy, these names are getting annoying

HOTS: like my initials!?!?!

Z: Who even are you

HOTS: Hero of the Sky! The very first, looking right at ya

Z: No ur not. For someone who actually goes to school, you're not very smart.

(Link has joined the chat)

(Link has turned off Initial Name Function)

Link: ya can all thank me later

Hero of Time: Awwww. I actually liked my name

Hero of Twilight....you're relationship with Wild SUCKS ya hear me

Hero of Time: and is yours any better? *raises eyebrow seductively* 

Hero: Of Twilight...ask him urself

Link: ...honestly it would be twilight. man we're buddies by heart

Hero of Twilight: and name

Hero of the Sky: is everyone just gonna forget how epic my journey was. i actually got to go skydiving fyi

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