What's the difference between flowers and weeds?

75 1 7

Dedicated to peep36!! dare for revali to burn down the royal gardens! to peep, I'm sorry because this dare is like 2 weeks late! I've been so busy and Wattpad wasn't working so i literally forgot about this comment, it wasn't only till later I was like, 'I vaguely remember a dare', only to come back and check! thanks for bearing w/ me! <3

(Revali has joined the chat)

Revali: @everyone I HAVE A QUESTION

(Mipha has joined the chat)

(Urbosa has joined the chat)

Mipha: what is it

Revali: hmmmm you're the smartest one there so....

Revali: What's the difference between a weed and a flower

Urbosa: I knew you were dumb, but...

Revali: HEY!

Mipha: IT's really obvious, what's not obvious is weeds and NOT YET GROWN flowers, like herbs, sprouts and such

Mipha: But the fastest way I've learned to decipher is the location of the plant. Weeds grow in bad soils where your flowering plants would not grow well. Weeds also grow faster than flowering plants, so if it is several inches tall and in a spot where nothing else has emerged from the soil, it is probably a weed.But Zelda knows more on-

Revali: Knows more? NOt sure if I want to stick around for that

Urbosa: yeah no, you're a living dictionary

Mipha: why thank you ^^

(Zelda has joined the chat)

(Revali has deleted chat history) 

(A/N: For those of u who don't know what ctrl shift qq is, it shuts off your laptop/computer 😂)

Zelda: Hey why!

Revali: BEcause we don't want to hear u rant on flowers and weeds for the next two hours


Revali: Press Ctrl + Shift + Q + Q to return history

Zelda: Ctrl shift q q 

(Zelda has disconnected from the chat)

Urbosa: Oof that's gonna hurt

Mipha: All i can say is good luck rev

(Link has joined the chat)

Link: There's stomping from upstairs

Revali: Oh shi-

(Zelda has joined the chat)

Zelda: I see what path you've chosen

Revali: uhhhh yeah the one of the warrior

Zelda: Don't play innocent.

Revali: 😰

Mipha, Urbosa, and Link: *silence*

Zelda: When the future queen is talking, you listen. 

Revali: y-yes

Zelda: Ctrl shift q q huh

Zelda: The oldest trick in the book.

Revali: But why'd you fall for it

Zelda: Well........

Revali:  😏🕶🤏

Mipha: WHy the smirk!??!

Revali: i have to admit, the 'don't play innocent' was pretty scary but nothing compared to link  🤷 💅

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