Chapter 10

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A few weeks had passed from when the new recruits first joined and they ghoul had resorted to drinking her unique blend of tea once again. The ghoul had been to a couple of Erwins meetings and had a good idea on how the expedition was going to go, she wasn't fond on her comrades dying, but if it meant that humanity would grow more understandings from their enemies, then it was worth it.

Today was the day of their mission and the ghoul was sitting on her horse with the rest of her squad, waiting for the commanders orders. Looking around, she could tell that the new recruits were anxious for what was about to happen, it was their first time out, after all.

Out of the corner of her eye, the thief could see Eren staring at some kids who were admiring the scouts, the shifter sent a soft smile towards the children.

"This is it, the day has come for humanity to take another step forwards, now let's show those titans exactly what we're made of." A higher up shouted, causing most the scouts to raise their swords in the air with determination. "Open the gate"

"FORWARD!" Erwin shouted, his horse was first to react and led Erwin through the gate. "It's officially begun, the 57th recon mission, scouts move out!" He yelled above the noise of horses galloping. Kaya shared a glance with the captain to show that they were both ready for what they had to do, regardless of the blood on their hands.


So far they had only encountered a few titans, but the support squads did their job and slaughtered any that posed a threat, their long range scouting formation was in session. Kaya started to think that Erwin was wrong about another shifter trying to get Eren, however that changed when she heard booming footsteps a few miles away.

"Green smoke signals, Oluo pass it on." Levi ordered while Oluo complied and shot a green smoke signal. Kaya quickly flinched when she heard another scout make his way towards the group.

"Reporting sir, the right wing spotters have been entirely wiped out, the early warning network is compromised. You will need to relay the message down the line." The scout explained. Most the the squad let out a gasp, the ghoul knew there would be casualties but she didn't expect there to be so many, what exactly was the new shifter capable of?

"You heard the man Petra, go on." Levi said. Petra nodded her head and quickened her pace to relay the message to the squads in front. As soon as Petra was further down the line, black smoke signals were fired to the right of the squad.

"Eren, fire the signal." Levi commanded, locking eyes with the ghoul who was still focusing on the footsteps she heard that were now growing closer by the second. "This is a disgrace, lot of good a formation does if the bastards can tear into it that easily." The thief nodded her head and listened deeper to see if she could decipher what was going on under the black smoke.

"I have to tell the others, I can't allow her to take anymore lives. The scouts will be decimated. Ahh!" Kaya heard a scout say, this wasn't looking good for the ghoul, surly the commander would be shocked by how powerful this new shifter was, and by the sounds of it, the titan was a female.

After a few more green smoke signals were fired, the centre ranks made their way into a forest, the ghoul couldn't help but stare in amazement at how huge the trees were. Normally it was Oluo who ruined her first impressions of new places, however this time it was Eren.

"Captain, captain Levi." Eren continued to annoy, the ghoul let out a groan and carried on riding her horse.

"What?" Levi asked, obviously irritated by Eren's persistence.

"Cmon sir, we're in a forest, we won't see a Titan till it's right on top of us, the centre rank is totally cut off. Somethings coming from the right isn't it? So what are we supposed to do? Avoid titans or defend the wagons?" Eren continued. The ghoul was starting to get frustrated with the boys consistently.

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