Chapter 57

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"I suppose I'll make some stew." Hange said, getting to work and cutting vegetables around the steaming pot of water that Kaya had previously boiled. Kaya finally averted her gaze away from Annie, noticing the two warrior candidates that Jean had mentioned, however, she never expected to see those two faces again. Gabi and Falco, wasn't it? They were staring back at her too, relief rested on their faces when they saw a familiar ally.

The whole camp went silent, none daring to be the one to start a conversation over their current situation, all too afraid of a fight breaking loose. If an all out fight was to occur, both would suffer greatly, if Armin was to use his titan then they'd all die, which was why it was best to separate the separate groups until some of the tension managed to settle.

"So is anybody gonna help me out with these potatoes?" Hange broke the silence. "Or are we just gonna glare at each other?"

"Well, I can't do it?" Kaya stated, looking to the others to see if they'd offer their help.

"We've gone from trading blows to breaking bread inside of a day, huh?" Magath stated. "Out of curiosity, what made you change your minds? If you let Eren Yeager succeed, you'll be getting far more than you ever could've hoped for. You island devils will have the world to yourselves. We were the ones trying to save it. We would've been able to keep Eren and Zeke from coming into contact, if you hadn't stepped in at the last second and helped them." He insulted, guilty looks rested on the scouts faces.

"I'm already repeating what I've already told you, general. But nobody here wants to be an accessory to genocide. That's why we're all hiding in the woods eating stew, instead of celebrating in town." Hange defended their soldiers.

"So you've finally figured out who the good guys are?" Magath said slyly, sipping out of his bottle of wine.

"Are you kidding me, you seriously think you're in the right? You're crazy." Jean pointed at the general. "You people spent years trying to murder us all and we're the bad guys because we didn't just roll over and die? Screw that! We learned to fight like hell because the only other option we had was to let your titans eat us all alive. We've found a way to survive and now you're gonna call us devils for it?" He shouted back, but the Marleyan was completely unfazed.

"That's right, you're exactly what we always thought you were. We let you fester for too long on Paradis. The worlds about to pay for that mistake. You finally won your freedom and we can all see what your doing with it. What I'd miss?"

"Plenty. Not a word about how your shock troops destroying Eren's home and making him watch his mother get eaten alive. That's what started this!" Jean argued. "If you wanna know why this is happening then go look in the mirror."

"Right, everything was fine until your buddy lost his mom." Magath scoffed. "I guess all those centuries of Marley's people getting ground under Eldian's heel don't count for anything in your eyes."

"Now you're going to play the victim for something that happened over 2000 years ago?"

"It's like talking to a child. It started 2000 years ago. Compared to the sum of the carnage and misery brought by Eldia, your islands suffering is a joke."

"Excuse me?"

The constant bickering was insufferable, the ghoul may have some bias but she preferred the point Jean was making, and although she was sick of their fighting, it was best to stay out of it. Instead, she took out one of her knives from her boot and began sharpening it with the palm of her hand, a small distraction that gave her minimal peace.

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