5 | Apple Juice

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"No, I won't do that to myself, Cyrus!"

There really are some things that others won't understand. Even if you try so hard to get them to do so, they just can't. For example, my situation with Cyrus at the moment.

"You should at least try to understand my side, Cy."

He sighed and gave me a stiff nod, "I do understand, Asti. It's just that, I can't let you do this again. Remember last time?"

My heart clenched and my gut churned at the memory. That month destroyed me.

"I can't let you go back there."

With an apologizing look on his face, he waved me goodbye.

I walked out the room with a lonely heart.


The coffee shop was rather full today. It seems as though teenagers really like coffee. I know I do.

"Table 17!" I shouted at one of the waitresses on the sidelines as I gsve her the order.

She quickly got it and scurried off.

"What can I get you today?" I grinned, not looking up at the next customer.

"Just an apple juice please."

My heart beat paced.

I looked up and my eyed met striking blue ones.


He gave me a small smile.

"Arsenic." He nodded, his eyes swirling with emotions that I could not decipher.

"We don't have apple juice. Only coffee." I said, my eyes never leaving his.

He smirked, "Well, then let's go buy some."

I quirked an eyebrow, "Buy some what?"

"Apple juice."

"My shift doesnt't end for the next hour." I said, looking at the clock.

"It ends now, darl."

I gasped in surprise when I saw Carrie behind me, with a smug look on her face.

"But Rh–"

"Oh, just go!" She pushed me out the counter and into the Office, so I could change.

I changed into a pair of black shorts and a white shirt with 'Kevin the Pigeon' written on it.

I removed my hair net and then went outside, seeing Daniel waiting for me.

He gave me a small smile as he led me to his blue Honda Civic.

Oh how I missed this.

I strapped myself in the front seat and waited patiently for Daniel to start the car.

He put on his seatbelt, and we were off.

I looked outside the window and watched as we whoozed past buildings, and the suburbs.

Escapades weren't mine and Daniel's thing. Rather, mine and Jonah's.

Daniel and I often just talk about life and such inside mine or his room. To be quite honest, he and I were the ones who truly had an emotional connection within the circle.

"Daniel?" I cut off the silence that engulfed us.

He turned his head slightly to me, tjen back at the road, "Yes?"

I looked down at my lap, "I'm sorry."

He slowed the car down and began looking at me, "It's okay As–"

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