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IF I WAS GIVEN one chance to relive any of the moments I had with the members of Why Don't We, I wouldn't.

Had it been in different circumstances, maybe I would. However, the thought of coming back to the time where I could barely keep myself together and they were on the verge of death, didn't really sound appealing to me.

The past may be a good place to visit, but never to stay. I would like to remember, keep reminiscing, but I'd rather not have my boys almost die because of the twisted missions I used to handle.

"So your real name's really Sun?" Jack asked for about the hundredth time today.

I gently swung Lavender, his' and Gabriela—his ex's— daughter in my arms. "For the last time, Robert, yes."

Zach laughed, "So basically, Asti is the name you got from the agency, and Sun is the name you got from your parents?"

I nodded, "Yup."

"Her full name's Sunshine Bolde." Chickee butt in, making me scowl at her just as everyone began to laugh.

"You're lucky I have a child in my arms right now or else I would have—" I made a neck strangling motion with my hands, and they all just laughed at me.

"Yeah right." She laughed leaning onto her boyfriend's chest.

It's been almost a year since everything happened and everyone went back to their normal lives.

The boys had their world tour this year, and when they landed in Hawaii, Chickee and I had her boyfriend fly us in with Lavender and Four so we could hang out with the boys.

Well, not really "hang out" per se.

We're kind of in a hunt for a well-known mafia in the Hawaii region, but the boys don't need to know that.

"Remember the charm bracelet I gave you before?" I heard someone ask from behind me.

I spun around to meet his gaze and smiled, "Yeah."

His sea green eyes sparkled in the bright summer sun in Hawaii. "I have a new charm to give you."

I adjusted Lavender on my lap as he took something from his swimming trunk's back pocket.

He pulled out a small velvet box and knelt down on one knee.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and gasped. The sight in front of me made my eyes tear up. Lavender started to squirm in my grip and Jack took her in his arms.

I stood up, mouth agape at the sight in front of me.


"Sunshine, Arsenic Titanium, Asti, Agent Sun." He started with a cheeky laugh. "Ever since I met you and spilled my coffee on you two years ago, I knew that you were the one."

"God, that was the best mistake I've ever made in my entire life." He laughed shakily, starting to tear up.

"We laughed, we fought, we almost died multiple times..." He joked, making everyone, including me, laugh.

"You taught me how to shoot a gun, how to gas out someone's lungs, how to fight for the people I love.."

He let out a puff of breath, his dreamy sea green eyes meeting my own grey ones.

"And you taught me how to love."

"I love you, Sun." He smiled, opening the velvet box.

I gasped, looking at what was inside the box. A promise ring in the shape of a sun.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, his eyes full of love and hope.

I nodded gleefully, "Yes!"

He put the promise ring on my finger and stood up. He carried me and started spinning me around in circles as everyone around us cheered.

"She said yes!" He cheered with everyone else.

I pulled him in and closed the distance between the two of us.

When we pulled away, he smiled at me. "I love you, Sun."

I grinned, my heart about to burst in happiness, "I love you too, Corbyn."

I can't believe that just two years ago, I was mad at the fact that I was being demoted to a bodyguard. Who would have thought all of this would happen?

I looked around at everyone around me, laughing and having fun with each other.

I sighed with a smile on my face.

I guess being a bodyguard for a boy band isn't so bad after all.

The End



Hey! The Spy Series took two years, huh? Low-key started in around July 2018 and High-key finished today, August 10, 2020.

The love this series has received is beyond amazing.

Thanks for sticking around!

I love you all.

- Ibiza Shekinah

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