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Agent Sun

Corbyn went back to his and Jonah's room about four hours ago. It's now five in the morning.

I put the oil in the pan and let it heat whilst I prepared the chocolate chip batter.

"Miss, should I whip out your syrup?" Nick, the butler asked me, popping inside the kitchen.

I nodded my head and he scurried off.

Once the oil was hot, I cooked the pancakes and successfully made three huge stacks.

"Here you are, Miss. I apologize for Mrs. Yama's absence today, by the way. Her daughter is getting married tomorrow and she was needed to help prepare the whole reception."

I cut Nick off with a chuckle, "It's alright, Nicholas. I've got it. Tell her that she can come back when she's able to. You know how mothers get when their children get tied down."

Nick laughed with me, "I sure do. She'll be informed as soon as possible Miss."

He left the room.

Nicholas was a trusted butler in this mansion. He's young, sure. But for a twenty-three year old Hotel Restaurant Management graduate, he sure knows his stuff. I hired him over a year ago, when I saw his profile on the Gertrude University Graduate list. He looked like he needed help. He was a struggling student, wanting to pay off his family's bills. I sympathized with him and took him under my wing. There was no interview whatsoever. I just had Gavin pick him up for me from University and he started working since then.

I looked at the syrup bottle he handed me and smiled at the memories it held. My mother taught me a special syrup recipe. Even I couldn't share with others.
She gave me the recipe and ever since then, I've been making it.

On the label it read, Sun's surprise!

I chuckled at how horrible the name was.

I took the coffee kettle out of the maker and out it on the dinner table. Everything was set out. The creamer, sugar, the plates, pancakes, and even blueberries.

I figured that since Mrs. Yama- the house cook- wasn't around and I had nothing to do, I had to make breakfast.

As soon as I set the coffee cups and teabags on the table, a familiar brunette boy made his way to the dining room with his hands scratching away the sleep from his eyes.

He spotted the plates.

"Oh my god, pancakes!"

He didn't even notice that I was in the same room as him, watching in amusement as he stacked four pancakes on his plate.

I chuckled, making him pause and look at me with wide eyes.

"Oh don't stop on my account, Mr. Herron."

He blushed a deep red, "I'm sorry, I just missed homemade food."

Last night, they just ordered chinese. I didn't eat.

"It's alright. Mrs. Yama and I will be cooking often."

His eyes lit up at this, "Don't you want to sit down and eat?"

He looked at me, while I was still leaning on the counter.

I shrugged, "It's alright. I already ate."

I'm such a liar.

He was about to say something, but I beat him to it.

"If you need me, just scream."

With that, I was out of the room.


After a shower, I was in my working clothes once more. All black. My leather pants clung onto my leg like a magnet. I wore a black crop top, and placed a neat ponytail on top of my head.

I wore my boots today. The black heeled ones.

I strapped two knives in each leg, making sure that they didn't tear my pants from the inside. I grabbed a small black glock and a M19 and then stuffed them inside a gun holster hidden by a leather jacket I put on.

I covered my mouth with a black face mask.

I put on my earpiece and tested it out.

"Sound check."

Josh hummed at the other end of the line.

"You're all set."

I then turned it off and made my way out of the room.


Nick was by my side in a jiffy.

"Yes Miss?"

I looked at him and smiled, "I'll be leaving for a while. I'm sending Gavin and two other guys to monitor over them, so let them in if necessary."

He nodded and scurried off.

I made my way downstairs.

I already checked the security cameras, the boys were in the living room. Which made it easier to tell them that I'd be leaving.

"Oh- hey Sun, where you off to?"

The boys' heads turned to look at me when Daniel asked me.


He nodded.

"I'm sending Gav and some other agents to come watch you while I'm gone. Stay safe, and don't open the door to strangers."

With that, I waved goodbye to all of them as I made my way to my motorcycle and drove off.

My heels were quiet as I tip toed into the unfamiliar mansion. According to Josh, the owners were out filming a vlog of some sort. To be honest, I don't know what that means. But I do know that it's the reason why I have a chance to scout for information.

I entered the lounge room. The furniture here are great. Not as great as the ones on the manor though. It really was obvious that whoever this Jake Paul guy was well off.

Josh and Gavin gave me information about Team 10. They said that Jake Paul once called the Why Don't We boys a Wal-Mart version of One Direction.

Let's be honest here, One Direction is the bomb.

Although I don't like to admit it, these boys were good too. Quite good, for that matter.

I know that it might be a false lead, but there are some possibilities that he may be the stalker. I'm treading on difficult trashy waters here. I'm relying on my gut feeling for the meantime.

I need to find a better lead after this.

As I picked the lock to Jake Paul's room, I heard footsteps.

"You guys are back earl- what the fuck?!"

"Josh, you're going to fucking die."


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