When you can't sleep

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• She's exhausted, but she rolls over and wraps her arms around you, gently scratching the top of your head with her fingernails

• She begins humming a lullaby Agustín taught her, because that always used to help her when she couldn't sleep, either

• She'll keep it up until you're asleep


• She's wide awake, too, so you're not alone

• She holds your hand and says softly, "Do you want to go get something to eat from the kitchen?"

• If you say yes, she takes you on a midnight snack hunt

• You don't get caught, of course, because ✨Dolores✨


• She feels really bad because she knows how awful it is

• She begins suggesting several 'falling asleep' methods in the hopes one of them works for you

• She has you try each one until you eventually are no longer awake


• She sits up immediately and says, "We're going to tire you out."

• She plays a bunch of guessing games with you until you can barely keep your eyes open

• She feels happy when her idea works, giving you a forehead kiss and then going back to sleep


• At first, he has no clue what to do because he usually sleeps like a rock

• However, memories of helping Dolores come back to him, and he timidly asks if he can make you some tea

• If you say yes, he jumps up and sneaks to the kitchen, insisting you stay in bed

• When you finish the tea, he cuddles you until you're both asleep


• He decides to talk to you nonstop, hoping the nonsense will lull you to sleep

• Just nonstop gibberish in the most monotone voice he's capable of

• Hopefully it works because that's his only method


• She simply rolls over and cuddles you without a word


• She says, in the most innocent, least immature way possible, "Do you want to be tucked in?"

• Because hey, you're never too old to have blankets tucked around you, and she's aware of that

• She has Agustín help if he's awake as well


• He sighs and says, "C'mere," and pulls you closer to him

• He denies such a thing ever happened the next morning

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