Austistic y/n headcanons

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Credits to @omocatsies for reminding me that this story exists lol

Also it's insane that I've been working on this for over 2 years. Wow.



· If anyone gives you crap for being "weird," she is immediately squaring up.

· It especially pisses her off because she hates being expected to fit the expectations of society.

· As a matter of fact, she's more drawn to people who don't fit in, so if you express your autistic traits more, she adores you for it.

· She takes you to her room when you're overstimulated (since there's tons of space in there).

· She's more than happy to use her vines to give you compression if need be.


· I headcanon her as autistic, too.

· She understands overstimulation, so she's constantly assuring you that you're not alone and that there's nothing wrong with you.

· The two of you often sit alone in her soundproof room whenever life becomes too much.

· She loves to listen to you talk about your hyperfixations. She likes the way your eyes light up when you talk about it, and the sound of your voice is super soothing (because it's you).


· If she sees you doing a compulsory habit that's harmful to you, she'll gently stop you from doing it.

· Ex: You're picking at your skin. She carefully takes your hand to keep you from hurting yourself.

· Sometimes, she doesn't understand the things you say, but she's super supportive anyway.


· If you're stimming, she'll sometimes do it with you. Especially the flappy hands. She loves doing the flappy hands.

· If you're the nonverbal type, or the kind of person who doesn't express their emotions, she'll be a sort of translator for you.

· Not in a condescending way! Most of the time it's genuinely helpful for people who don't get it/are rude about it.

· She's also quick to get you out of an uncomfortable situation that no one else seems to be bothered by (like the sound of someone eating).


· He's very touchy, but if you're uncomfortable with that, he's extremely hands-off.

· He'll look for ways that he can express his affection for you while making you both comfortable.

· He loves to buy you merch for shows and stuff you like. He cannot stop spending his money on you, it's ridiculous.


· He's autistic too. No one can argue with me because I'm right.

· He won't stand up for himself when someone bullies him, but as soon as you get picked on for the exact same reason, it's on sight.

· (I can envision Autistic Y/N and Bruno chilling together as identical copies of the TBH creature.)


· If you can't regulate your emotions well, she's the first one in your corner.

· She'll stroke your head all comfortingly while saying stuff like, "It's okay mi vida, let it all out."

· Your emotions may be big, but that doesn't make them any less real.

· She also gets right in the face of people who bully you.

· "Oh, you don't like the way my baby talks? Well, get ready, because you're about to never talk again."

· :)


· She is STOCKING UP on your safe foods my man.

· No more eating foods you hate!

· She is the best listener for when you want to talk, and the best comforting presence for when you just want quiet.


· He likes to make jokes about it.

· NOTHING TOO MEAN. I mean stuff like "What, are you autistic or something" when he knows damn well that you are.

· Very sarcastic, all lighthearted.


· He doesn't know what it is, but by gosh is he going to learn.

· He hides away in the library, researching all that he can about autism.

· This kind of has a downside though, because afterwards he's pestering you with questions about it.

· "So is it true that you can't make eye contact"

· He means the best, really. Just set some boundaries and he'll respect them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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