Chapter Thirty-Two

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Two Months Later

Kylie's P.O.V

"How are you and Justin?" Dad asked as we ate lunch together.

"We're... Civil. I don't know, we talk sometimes." I replied not interested in how he's doing.

"What's going on with you and Alfredo?"

"Um, nothing. Why? What did you hear?" I asked nervously. Alfredo and I have been secretly dating, he wants to find a way to break up with Jasmine without hurting her feelings. It's been over a month tho, so I don't know what he's waiting for. I've been getting jealous.

"I'm just asking honey." He chuckled.

"What if we were dating?" I asked nonchalantly.

"I would tell you guys to break up, Kylie he's 7 years older than you. You're 19, he's 26. And you're not 20 until May 1st, you know that. You still need to grow up and learn, he's already done that. You're a little girl and he's a man. You can't date." Dad explained to me.

"I'm not a little girl dad I'm 19."

"Exactly, you're not a grown woman yet. He's a man Kylie. He needs someone older. You still act like a child."

"Ew don't say woman that's gross and old."

"See you're childish Ky. Leave Alfredo alone. I don't wanna hear about this again, got it?"

"But dad age is just a number." I sighed. "Beyoncé and Jay Z are 12 years apart and you and Jessica are 5 years apart."

"Just let him and Jasmine work on their relationship, alright? I don't want you messing with it. You don't need a boyfriend right now. Plus I don't want you hanging out with any of those youtubers or boy band members."

I was about to give him a response, but I decided not to since I didn't feel like arguing. I knew what I was doing with Alfredo was wrong, but he helped fill up the emptiness in my heart where Justin use to be. I'm with him so I don't feel lonely.

"I have to go sweetie, remember what I said." Dad said and left me alone. I rolled my eyes and watched him leave. I was getting lost in my own thoughts until my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered as I drank some of my water.

"Kylie" Justin's voice said wearily.

"What do you want? I told not to call me." I started to get angry at him and raised my voice.

"Can you come over?"

"No what kind of question is that?"

"Please.." He said with a crack in his voice. It sounded like he wasn't alright.

"What's wrong?" I asked starting to feel bad.

"I don't feel good, it's really hot." He replied.

"You might have a fever, relax I'll be over in a bit." I said concerned and hung up, I went to my car and I started driving. I stopped by the store to pick up medicine for him and some other things.

Justin's House

"Justin? I'm here." I called out as I walked into his room. I looked around and it looks the same since the day I left here, but it was messier. Justin was shirtless in his bed. He has a trash can next to his bed.

"Ky" He said quietly.

"What's happened? Have you been throwing up?" I asked as I went and sat next to him. I put my hand on his forehead and it was really hot. "Damn Justin you're literally really hot." I said really concerned. I took out the thermometer I got and checked his temperature. It read 101.6.

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