Chapter Forty- Nine

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Kylie's P.O.V

"I don't want to go in there." I nervously said as I fidgeted with my purse. Dad was making me go on tour with him and Justin to finish the rest of it. I really didn't want to, but he says it's a good way for Justin and I to get along. I really don't want anything to do with Justin and he doesn't want anything to do with me. This was like the My World tour all over again where I had to share the bus with him.

"It's not going to be just you and Justin, Alfredo will be riding this one also." Dad assured me as he opened the bus door for me. "It's just a couple of hours until we get to the next stop, try not to fight please sweetie. I really want you and Justin to get along."

"Justin and I can't ever be friends. Is just weird dad.. You wouldn't understand." I sighed as I walked onto the bus. "Where's Fredo?" I asked as I looked back at dad who didn't come on the bus.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, he found out he had to share a bus with you two so he decided to move to my bus. Love you bye don't stay up too late!" Dad quickly said and closed the door. It took me a moment to process what just happened, once I did I couldn't leave because the bus started moving. Wait.. If the bus started to leave then that means Justin is already in here.

"Why is it so messy in here?" I said to myself as I examined all the stuff on the couch. Whatever it's not my problem, I'll get a bunk. Justin is probably in his back room so it should be fine. He won't even know I'm here. I started my way towards the bunks. "What the fuck?" One side of the bunks were filled with fan gifts. I turned around and checked the other side and they were filled with fan gifts also. Where am I going to sleep the fuck? Why doesn't he just throw all this away? I made my way towards Justin's back room and immediately shut the door and walked away. This fucking dick would be kissing some random girl! I angrily say in the front with the diver and didn't say a word. I didn't know how to reaction part of me wanted to cry, another wanted to slap the shit out of the girl, and the other wanted to not give a fuck.

"Stop the bus!" I heard Justin's voice yell. The driver pulled into a gas station and parked at the side. "Here go get an über." Justin said nonchalantly to the random girl and made her get off. "Alright, let's go." Justin said as he popped his head in. "Come here." He said as he pulled me to his back room.

"What do you want?" I sighed as I crossed my arms.

"Why are you here? Scooter said you'd be here tomorrow morning."

"You must of heard wrong cause I'm here now." I shrugged. "Who was she?"

"Some girl from the club." Justin shrugged as he pulled off his shirt.

"You're unbelievable." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"It wasn't anything serious."

"Whatever dick head." I sighed. "Go clean one of those bunks so I can sleep in one." I demanded.

"Nah they only fit there."

"Throw them away why do you keep them?"

"Is that even a question? I keep everything. You can sleep in here with me baby." He winked with a smirk plastered on his ugly face.

"You wish."

"You can sleep on the floor." He shrugged and threw a pillow on the ground. "Either sleep on the floor in here or find somewhere out there to sleep on the floor. I don't really care.. You just can't sleep on my bed with me cause daddy needs his space." He stretched as he crossed his arms over his head. This fucking douche.

"You're really rude, you know that? I miss old Justin." I said quietly as I laid down on the floor, I wasn't going to sleep on the floor out there cause the driver could see and that would be embarrassing.

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