Chapter Forty- Six

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Early Morning

"Ky lets go come on." Justin said as he tugged on my shirt.

"Go to sleep, it's 6am dude." I yawned and turned the other way.

"Kylie get up we have to go." He repeated and took the blanket off me.

"Where? I'm tired babe.." I yawned and sat up. I frowned and looked around, he already had my suitcase packed, what is he doing?

"It's a surprise lets go." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Carry me." I said sleepily and held out my arms.

"Okay." He chuckled and picked me up. He managed to get up and carried me down to the car. "I'll go get the bags, stay here." Where the heck is he taking me? And this early too ugh.

"Hey Justin, where are we going? We have to be back by noon because I got things to do." I said as he got in and started the car.

"Those plans have to be canceled babe."

"What? No I can't cancel them. Babe."

"Yes dear?" He looked at me and gave me his cheesy smile. I smiled as I rolled my eyes and slapped his shoulder.

"When my dad starts blowing up my phone I'm blaming you."

"I'm alright with that." He smiled and started driving. After a while I realized that we were going to the airport. I decided not to ask anymore questions and just go with the flow since I am still tired.

* * *

Justin's P.O.V

"Sir, we have arrived at the Dominican Republic." The flight attendant announced. I smiled and looked over at Kylie, I didn't want to wake her up because she looked so peaceful. I decided to carry her off, damn she was so light.

"Babygirl.. Wake up." I said softy to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Hmm?" She started to wake up and looked around at her surroundings. "Where are we?"

"Dominican Republic." I kissed her sweetly on the lips and put my arm securely around her.

"What are we doing here?"

"You ask a lot of question Ky, you know that?" I laughed and messed up her hair.

"I just want to know, you know I hate not knowing." She sighed and crossed her arms.

"I just thought that we needed a little getaway from everyone else, from all the media and craziness. We need time for just us."

"Eventually everyone is going to find out we're here.. Someone is going to leak a picture just wait."

"Why are you being so negative ky." I sighed removed my arm from around her.

"I'm not being negative I'm just saying the truth. Don't call me negative." She defended and crossed her arms.

"Can't you appreciate that I took you here?"

"I didn't fucking ask you to take me here." I said angrily and moved closer to the window. I tried to apologize but she just wouldn't have it. It hasn't even been a day and we're already fighting damn it.

* * *

Kylie's P.O.V

Who the fuck does he think he is? Taking me here and getting mad at me for saying the obvious? Does he not know who he is?

I immediately went straight to the bed and wrapped myself in all the covers.

"Ky enough I don't want to argue with you babe." He tried to cuddle me but I didn't let him. "Why are you in a bad mood? Why are you acting like this? Talk to me don't push me away."

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