Holograms pt2••

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Possible spelling errors(totally spelling errors present)

MK's eyes started to open and once they did he looked around confused. He was lying on a comfortable couch but at the same time this wasn't his place, there was claw marks on the floor, walls and on the furniture. Things were ripped, thrown, and it was just clrealy a huge mess itself. MK would make if this was his home, he only had clothes on the floor and his walls weren't a faded color with claw marks.

This was a strangers home. Abviosly. And someone was in the other room, MK got up from lying down and he instantly groaned as his whole body ached for him to just fall asleep again. It hurt like actual shit. "Kid? I see your awake," MK looked up and everything that happend hit him so hard he just ended up staring at Macaque before his words came out. "You alright kid?" Macaque asked as his eyes furrowed. MK closed his mouth and created his throat, "Yeah- sorry. I just remembered what had happend...earlier." MK didn't want to be straight foward about(apart from the beatings he got) the words Macaque had spoken..really hurt more than the physical pain MK felt currently.

"Yeah I'm not good with 'I'm sorry's' so I feel guilty for almost killing you kid. I was sent to..didn't mean I actually wanted to," MK nodded and he moved himself to the edge of the bed. His legs.
"Why can't I feel my legs. Macaque what the hell did you do!!" MK felt a huge wave of panick fill him as he tried to feel pain in his legs but he couldn't. They felt completely dead. "It's just some healing I did when you out cold. It makes the person feel paralyzed and more anxious, don't worry. I wouldn't hurt you..more than I already did kid." MK felt a small wave of relief but he was still filled with questions. "When will I be able to walk then?"

Macaque went silent for this one..and MK didn't feel no were near calm with the silence. "Macaque. I asked a question." MK had never used thst tone to anyone, it was demanding. Just like LBD's tone.. Macaque let out a heavy sigh as he looked down to the floor, "Well..I'm not sure. It doesn't last more than a day thought, as long as you sent use alot of energy you should heal way faster." Macaque took a step back as he looked back up to MK. "I'll bring you some food. Just sit up right and rest and don't try to get off the bed, you'll hurt yourself more." Macaque left the room and MK just fixed himself to were he could sit right.

His back placed against the headboard as his legs were sprawled in front of him, it felt weird. Not being able to move or feel your legs, yet MK got use to it too quickly for his comfort.

It wasn't long before Macaque came back in with some food for MK, MK ate the food he was given and to his surprise it didn't taste the way be thought it would. Not that he waited for it to taste like actual garbage.. that sounded more rude than what MK meant."You were quite hungry kid," Macaque let out a chuckle when he got a glare from the kid. But MK kept eating, it went silent a peaceful silent. "Thank you." MK might hate Macaque but the food was nice. Macaque only nodded and he took the empty plate and left the room..

"About the saving thst special person from LBD. Do you even have a plan?" Macaque stopped at the doorway and MK waited patiently for an answer. "You are the plan. I just need you and it'll all fall in place," Macaque left as the door was left open for now. MK had a huge urge to crawl his way to the door an close it but he needed to rest and conserve all the energy he can get. They needed to save the Monkie King.

"What!?" LBD yelled out and her voice echoed in loud wispers. The mayor nodded as he opened his mouth again, "And Macaque seems to have left your side. He's at MK's aide now.." LBD looked furious. Althought it only chilled the monkey that stood beside her. "He used my power!!" LBD sighed as she sat back down onto her cold throne. "Wukong." The mayor straightened at this and the monkey that stood beside LBD swallowed before be looked at her, "Yes your Lady?" LBD had a vile smirk on her face as she watched the monkey shift uncomfortably below her gaze. "Go change. You'll be needed out in the field..I have a special task for you today," Wukong nodded and he walked away. He walked past the Mayor and watched as he gave a stabbing glare, "Mayor..you'll be watching over Wukong while he tries to get me Macaque and the kid back into my grass again. Understood?" The mayor nodded as be followed Wukong.

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